Customizing Dunning Letter Templates

Read the following topics for guidance on customizing dunning letter templates:

Customizing the Sample Dunning Template Files

The Dunning Letters SuiteApp provides three samples of dunning letter PDF templates in increasing levels of urgency. Use the content of the sample templates as a basis for creating new templates by copying the content from the sample files to your custom templates. Consolidated sample templates are located in the following file cabinet folder: SuiteBundles > Bundle 392827 > Templates > Consolidated.

Template Name


Level 1 Default Template – English

First Notice -Overdue Payments

Level 2 Default Template – English

Second Notice -Overdue Payments

Level 3 Default Template – English

Third Notice -Overdue Payments


The templates included in the SuiteApp are samples intended to help you create custom templates. Copy the content of the sample template into a new file that you can customize. Creating templates requires knowledge of XML and FreeMarker.

In the sample templates provided by the Dunning Letters SuiteApp, be aware of the following:


Customer dunning is used to evaluate all invoices of the customer. Invoice dunning is used for evaluating a specific invoice. Invoice group dunning is used to evaluate invoices that are part of an invoice group. See Understanding Customer Level Dunning, Invoice Level Dunning and Invoice Group Level Dunning.

Before creating custom templates, be sure to read Best Practices for Creating and Using Dunning Templates.

Use NetSuite email templates for dunning letters that will be sent by email. See Creating Dunning Letter Email Templates.

Use FreeMarker templates for dunning PDF letters. See Creating Dunning Letter PDF Templates.

To show NetSuite fields on a dunning letter template, a predefined transaction search is already provided. See Including Fields from the Transaction Saved Search in Dunning Templates.

To create dunning letter templates, read the following topics:

Customizing the List of Invoices in the Dunning Template File

In the sample templates provided by the Dunning Letters SuiteApp, if you use customer level dunning, the dunning letter shows a list of all the overdue invoices of the customer, including those invoices that have dunning procedures assigned.

Invoices that have dunning procedures assigned are marked with an asterisk. Invoice groups that have dunning procedure assigned are also marked with an asterisk.

You can customize your template to modify what shows in the list:

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General Notices