Set up Store Locator in NetSuite


For Store Locator to function, you must set up location records in your NetSuite account. See Locations Overview for details. To set up location records for your stores, including address and business hours, see Creating Locations.

The following topics provide helpful information about enabling and disabling the Store Locator feature:

Verify that Store Locator is Enabled

The Store Locator feature is enabled in SuiteCommerce and SCA record by default. However, you can verify that the feature is enabled with the following processes.

To verify that Store Locator is enabled:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select your website and domain and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Store Locator tab and the Store Locator subtab.

  4. Verify that the Is Enabled box is checked.

  5. If Is Enabled is not checked and you want to enable Store Locator, check the Is Enabled box and click Save.

To verify that Store Locator is enabled (SuiteCommerce Advanced pre-Vinson):

  1. Using code editor software, open the distro.json file in the root directory of the SCA source code.

  2. Search for lines of code that include StoreLocator.

    For example:

                      "suitecommerce/StoreLocatorReferenceMapImplementation": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/Location.SCA": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/StoreLocatorAccessPoints": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/StoreLocator": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/StoreLocatorGoogleMapsImplementation": "X.X.X",
  3. Verify that the lines of code are not disabled within comment tags.

  4. Search for the following line and confirm that it is not disabled within comment tags:

  5. Close the file.

Set Elevated Permissions for the Service File Record

To use Store Locator on your website, set elevated permissions for the Store Locator service file record in NetSuite. After you install SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA), NetSuite creates a custom Advanced Customer Center role. Use this role when setting up Store Locator.

To set elevated permissions for the service file record:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Go to Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > [Applicable Bundle Folder] > Development > services.

  3. Click Edit next to the file.

  4. In the File record, check the Available Without Login box.

  5. Go to the Permission tab.

  6. Check the Enabled box.

  7. In the Execute as Role list, select the custom Advanced Customer Center role.

  8. Check the Run Script Without Login box.

  9. Click Save.

Disable Store Locator

You can disable the Store Locator feature in the SuiteCommerce Configuration record. If you disable Store Locator, your website customers cannot:

  • View store locations as a list and on an interactive map.

  • View stores near their current location.

  • Search for stores near a specific address, city, or postal code.

  • Choose from a list of results to view information about a location, including address and business hours.

  • View a list of all stores.

  • Get directions to a particular store.

To disable Store Locator:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select your website and domain and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Store Locator tab and the Store Locator subtab.

  4. Clear the Is Enabled box to disable Store Locator.

  5. Click Save.

To disable Store Locator (SuiteCommerce Avdanced pre-Vinson):

  1. Using code editor software, open the distro.json file in the root directory of the SCA source code.

    See The distro.json and ns.package.json Files for information about the distribution file and its location.


    The Store Locator feature is enabled by default in pre-Vinson versions of SCA. To disable it, edit the distro.json file.

    This task requires developer experience.

  2. Delete (or disable within comment tags) any lines of code that include StoreLocator.

    For example:

                      "suitecommerce/StoreLocatorReferenceMapImplementation": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/Location.SCA": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/StoreLocatorAccessPoints": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/StoreLocator": "X.X.X",
    "suitecommerce/StoreLocatorGoogleMapsImplementation": "X.X.X",
  3. Delete (or disable within comment tags) the following line:

  4. Save and redeploy the distro.json file to NetSuite. For more information, see Deploy SCA Customizations to NetSuite.

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