Assigning Locations Automatically in a Sales Order

When the Automatic Location Assignment feature is enabled and running in your account, NetSuite can automatically assign fulfillment locations to lines in a sales order. Locations are assigned according to assignment rules set up by an administrator or a fulfillment manager. See Order Fulfillment Automation for more information.

Typically, the automatic location assignment feature is configured to assign locations automatically when a sales order is approved. After you approve the sales order, NetSuite then assigns the locations asynchronously in the background. You can then check the locations assigned by waiting a few moments and returning to the sales order to view it or edit it.

If automatic location assignment is set up, but is not configured to run automatically in the background, you can still take advantage of the automatic location assignment process, provided that:

If you use the Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment feature, you can fulfill from locations in the transaction subsidiary as well as from locations in other subsidiaries in your company. With this feature enabled, NetSuite sets the fulfillment location in the Inventory Location column on sales order lines.

To use automatic location assignment when creating a sales order:

  1. Go to Opportunities > Transactions > Sales Orders > New.

  2. Select the relevant custom form.

    To be able to use automatic location assignment, you must select a custom sales order form in which the Location column is displayed in the Items subtab.

  3. In the Items subtab, add the order items and their quantity.

  4. If you don't want NetSuite to assign a location automatically for a particular line, do one of the following:

    • Check the Do Not Auto Assign Location box.

    • Manually select a location in the Location column. Doing this automatically checks the Do Not Auto Assign Location box.

  5. If the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration field is displayed on the sales order form, verify that a configuration is selected.


    If the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration field is hidden on the sales order form, an administrator might have selected a default configuration for the form or might have created a workflow in SuiteFlow that selects a configuration. For more information about configurations, see Automatic Location Assignment Configurations.

  6. Click the Auto Assign Locations button. If NetSuite is able to assign locations to the items, the locations appear in the Location column. Otherwise, the Location column remains blank.


    NetSuite assigns locations in the background. It might take a few moments for the locations to appear on each line in the column.


    If the automatic location assignment configuration for the sales order includes rules that have a line item saved search, NetSuite is unable to assign locations until after the sales order is saved.

  7. Fill in any other details for the sales order and click Save.

If you edit a sales order by changing the quantity of a line, changing the item on a line, or adding a new line, you must click the Auto Assign Locations button again to rerun the automatic location assignment process.

Understanding the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration Field

When the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration field is displayed on the sales order form, you can choose the configuration you want NetSuite to use when assigning locations. For example, on a sales order for a business-to-business (B2B) customer, you might use a configuration designed for large volume sales orders. In such a configuration, rules might be set up so that larger warehouses with higher inventory quantities are assigned before smaller warehouses with less inventory.

The Automatic Location Assignment Configuration field might sometimes be hidden on the sales order form. In this case, the configuration can be set in one of the following ways:


Even if you select a configuration on the sales order form, a script or workflow can be created that overrides the selected configuration.

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