Generating OSHA Workplace Incident Logs and Summaries


This feature requires SuitePeople. For more information, see SuitePeople Overview.

If your workplace is located in the United States, you must periodically generate logs and summaries for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance. An OSHA 300 log is a list of all of your incidents that match your filter criteria. An OSHA 300 summary is a compilation of statistics and information about your incident history. If you are located in the United Kingdom or another non-U.S. jurisdiction, these reports are not available.

To generate an OSHA 300 log:

  1. Go to Reports > Workplace Incidents > OSHA 300 Log. The OSHA's Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses page appears.

  2. From the Location list, select a location.

  3. From the Generate Report For list, select the year to include in the report.

  4. From the Generate As list, select the output format you want to generate: PDF or XML Spreadsheet.

  5. Enter the information you want to appear on the log:

    • Establishment Name

    • City

    • State

  6. Click Generate.

    NetSuite generates the log and saves it to the specified file format.

To generate an OSHA 300A summary:

  1. Go to Reports > Workplace Incidents > OSHA 300A Summary. The OSHA's Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses page appears.

  2. From the Location list, select a location. The establishment name, address, and industry fields are sourced from your company and subsidiary information, but you can edit these fields.

  3. From the Generate Report For list, select the year to include in the report.

  4. From the Generate As list, select the output format you want to generate: PDF or XML Spreadsheet.

  5. In the Annual Average Number of Employees field, enter the annual average number of employees at your company. This number is for the calendar year you have selected, rounded to the nearest whole number. To calculate this value, add the total number of employees your establishment paid in all pay periods during the relevant year. This number includes full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, salaried and hourly. Then, divide that by the number of pay periods during that year. For more information about calculating this value, refer to your OSHA documentation.

  6. In the Annual Hours Worked by All Employees field, enter the annual sum of hours worked by all employees at your company. This includes all full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal salaried and hourly employees for the specified calendar year, rounded to the nearest whole number. For more information about calculating this value, refer to your OSHA documentation.

  7. Click Generate.

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