Edit a UPS Shipping Item Name
NetSuite enables you to modify the name of a UPS shipping item. The new name will be displayed on all transaction forms and the web store.
When you create a shipping item with UPS Integration and want to charge the customer a shipping rate, select the UPS Real-Time Rate.
This is not available in NetSuite OneWorld accounts.
New Name Best Practices
Only a suffix can be added to the integrated UPS service name (Ship Name) that was automatically assigned when the real-time rate was set
To learn more, see UPS®Real-Time Rates
Do not delete the auto-assigned Ship Name. For example, UPS®Ground
Make sure that the new Ship Name is unique
There must be a space between the Ship Name and the suffix
The suffix cannot be longer than 20 characters and must be contained by round parentheses.
The following character types can be used in the suffix:
Uppercase and lowercase letters
Non-alphanumeric ASCII characters: space, hyphen, and underscore
Shipping Item Name Example:

If you do not follow these guidelines, the new name will not be saved.
To edit the UPS Ship Name:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items.
Beside the item you want to update, click Edit.
In the Shipping Item page, edit the Ship Name.
Click Save.