Revenue Recognition Approval Workflow States

The Revenue Recognition Approval Workflow is initiated upon the update and submission of a revenue arrangement. The arrangement is validated and processed, depending on the conditions that are set for each state.


The workflow uses the total revenue amount as the default for all amount validations. You have the option of using the total carve-out amount by customizing the workflow. For more information, see Setting the Amount Validation Field.


In the Entry state, the workflow verifies that the Approval Routing feature is enabled in the account where the arrangement is created. If the feature is enabled, the arrangement moves to the General Limit Check state. For more information about the required features and preferences, see Prerequisites.

General Limit Check

In the General Limit Check state, the total revenue amount on the arrangement is compared with the predefined General Limit of 10,000. An arrangement with a total revenue amount that exceeds the General Limit moves to the Pending Approval state. Otherwise, the arrangement transfers to either of the following states:

Pending Approval

Arrangements that require initial or further approval transfers or returns to the Pending Approval state. The approval status of the transaction is set to Pending Approval. The Submit for Approval button is enabled only for the reviewer or Revenue Accountant who created the transaction. When the reviewer submits the transaction, it transfers to the Check Reviewer Limit state. If the transaction requires approval, it goes through a series of approval states. Based on the approval routing setup, the workflow determines the initial and next approver of the transaction. For more information about the approval setup, see Setting Up Employee Records for Approval Routing.


If an arrangement in Pending Approval status is deleted, the workflow notifies the approver about the deletion through email.

After an approver has been assigned, the transaction returns to the Pending Approval state. The transaction transfers to one of the following states based on specific conditions:

Check Reviewer Limit

In the Check Reviewer Limit state, the total revenue amount is compared with reviewer’s limit. If the total revenue amount is equal to or has not exceeded the limit, the transaction is automatically approved. If the total revenue amount exceeds the limit, the transaction transfers to the Get Highest Approver Limit state.


If the reviewer’s limit has not been set or is left blank, the zero value is assigned when the transaction enters the Check Reviewer Limit state. For information about the revenue recognition limits, see Setting Up Employee Records for Approval Routing.

Get Highest Approver Limit

An arrangement can transfer to this state either from the Check Reviewer Limit or Check Approver Limit state. In the Get Highest Approver Limit state, the workflow identifies the highest approval limit in the approval hierarchy. The highest limit is compared with the total revenue amount on the transaction. This validation determines if any of the approvers has the capacity to approve the transaction. The transaction is processed based on the following conditions:

Set Next Approver

In the Set Next Approver state, the workflow identifies and assigns the approver of the transaction. For initial approval, the designated revenue recognition approver of the reviewer is assigned as the approver. For further approval, the designated revenue recognition approver of the previous approver is assigned as the approver. For information about the revenue recognition approver, see Setting Up Employee Records for Approval Routing.

Check Approver Limit

In the Check Approver Limit state, the workflow determines if the arrangement requires initial or further approval. The approval limit of the current approver is compared with the total revenue amount. The transaction is processed based on the following conditions:


Approved arrangements are transferred from any of the following states:

Approved arrangements that are resubmitted transfer to the Resubmit state. The workflow verifies that the total revenue amount has changed before transferring the transaction.

In the Approved state, the workflow sends an email to the reviewer who submitted the arrangement to confirm the approval. For cases where a resubmitted transaction is already attached to a pending request for approval, the pending request is cancelled. The approver of the pending request is informed of the cancellation through email. For more information about resubmissions, see Resubmitting Revenue Arrangements for Approval.


Rejected arrangements are transferred from any of the following states:

Rejected arrangements that are resubmitted transfer to the Resubmit state. The workflow verifies that the total revenue amount has changed before transferring the transaction.

In the Rejected state, the workflow sends an email to the reviewer to confirm the rejected transaction. For cases where a resubmitted transaction is already attached to a pending request for approval, the pending request is cancelled. The approver of the pending request is informed of the cancellation through email. For more information about resubmissions, see Resubmitting Revenue Arrangements for Approval.


Arrangements that transfer to the Resubmit state can be any of the following: approved, rejected, or pending approval. In this state, the transaction is prepared before it transfers to the Entry state where it re-enters the workflow. For more information about resubmissions, see Resubmitting Revenue Arrangements for Approval.

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