Dunning Letters Error Codes
When you use the dunning features provided by the Dunning Letters SuiteApp, error messages are shown on the UI or in the script execution log.
Dunning User Errors
The following error messages are shown on the UI:
Error Code |
Message |
Cause |
Action |
You do not have privileges to view this page. |
You tried to access the Bulk Update Customer Records page and the Dunning Bulk Assignment page using a role that does not have the required permission. Only Dunning Director roles can access the Bulk Update and Bulk Assignment pages. |
Make sure you are logged in using the Dunning Director, Accountant, or Administrator role. If you are using a custom role, an administrator must grant the role the required permission. |
FOR_ |
Only the Administrator, Dunning Director, and Accountant roles can create and modify this type of record. |
You tried to create or edit one of the following dunning custom records using a role that does not have the required permission:
Make sure you are logged in using the Dunning Director, Accountant, or Administrator role. If you are using a custom role, an administrator must grant the role the required permission. |
Only the Administrator role can delete this type of record. |
You tried to delete one of the following dunning custom records using a role that does not have the required permission:
Make sure you are logged in using the Administrator role. |
D |
Only the Administrator role can create and modify this type of record. |
You tried to create or modify the following dunning custom record using a role that does not have the required permission:
Make sure you are logged in using the Administrator role. |
Only the Administrator, Dunning Director, and Accountant roles can delete this type of record. |
You tried to delete the following dunning custom record using a role that does not have the required permission:
Make sure you are logged in using the Administrator, Dunning Director, or Accountant role. If you are using a custom role, an administrator must grant the role the required permission. |
You are not allowed to edit dunning procedure type. |
You tried to edit the Applies To field on the dunning procedure record. The field indicates whether the dunning procedure is intended to be assigned to customers or to invoices. After the dunning procedure record has been saved, the Applies To field can no longer be edited. |
Create a new dunning procedure with the desired dunning procedure type. |
No deployment found for Customer Dunning Bulk Update SS. |
There is no deployment for the Customer Bulk Update scheduled script. |
An administrator must create a script deployment for the scheduled script, Dunning bulk Updater – Customer, with the following details:
The error message shown depends on the specific field or record where the validation error occurred. The error message can be any of the following:
These errors are validation errors that can occur when creating or editing records. |
Edit the fields or subtabs that contain invalid or missing values. |
Script Errors for Dunning
Errors can be encountered when the system runs the dunning scripts. For these errors, contact Support. Be sure to provide details such as the error code and error message found in the script execution log.
Error Code |
Message |
Cause |
Action |
Please implement a MetricsCollector. |
The MetricsCollector implementing class is missing. |
Please use a subclass of AbstractParser. |
AbstractParser class used is unauthorized. |
Please implement a logic for handling the results. |
Auto |
Please implement a dunning queue action. |
DunningQueueAction implementing class is missing. |
Method dunning. |
Input parameter for method dunning. |
Provide a form title using setTitle. |
Form title is not set in the FormBuilder class. |
CurrencyConverter Input is a mandatory constructor parameter. |
The constructor parameter of the CurrencyConverter class (currency wrapper) may be null or undefined. |
SearchColumn requires a columnDefinition constructor parameter. |
The constructor parameter of the SearchColumn class may be null or undefined. |
SearchFilter requires a filterDefinition constructor parameter. |
The constructor parameter of the SearchFilter class may be null or undefined. |
An error has occurred in the MessageLoader class. |
The MessageLoader class may be sending the request to an incorrect message loader service. |
An error has occurred in creating dunning letters home folder in the file cabinet. |
An error occurred during the creation of the home folder for the dunning letter files in the file cabinet. The record type and field name/value pairs may be incorrect. |
An error has occurred in creating dunning letters pdf subfolder in the file cabinet. |
An error occurred during the creation of the PDF subfolder for the dunning letter PDF files in the file cabinet. The record type and field name/value pairs may be incorrect. |
An error has occurred while adding a record to the template builder. |
Failure in adding a record to the template builder. The ns_ |
An error has occurred while adding a search result to the template builder. |
Failure in adding the search result to the template builder. The ns_ |
An error has occurred in the LocalizationVariableListLoader class. |
The Localization |
An error has occurred in Field API Wrapper -ns_wrapper.api.field.submitField. |
The parameters supplied to the ns_ |
An error has occurred in Record API Wrapper -ns_wrapper.api.record.attachRecord. |
The parameters supplied to the ns_ |
An error has occurred in Sublist API Wrapper -ns_wrapper.api.sublist.commitLineItem. |
The parameters supplied to the ns_ |
An error has occurred in sending email. |
The object parameter supplied to the suite_ |
An error has occurred while rendering the message. |
The object parameter supplied to the dunning. |
An error has occurred while rendering the subject. |
The object parameter supplied to the dunning. |
An error has occurred in AbstractParser class. |
The doParse method in the subclasses of AbstractParser has invalid parameters. |
The error message shown depends on the specific field or record where the validation error occurred. The error message can be any of the following:
These errors are validation errors that can occur when creating or editing records. |
Edit the fields or subtabs that contain invalid or missing values. |