Creating Device Records Manually
It is possible for administrators to create device records manually, but there is the potential for data entry errors. Before creating the record, ensure you have access to the correct device ID and device name.
To create a device record:
Go to Setup > Integration > Device ID.
Click New Device ID. The Device tab appears by default.
Enter the Device Name. If you do not enter a device name, a name will be generated automatically.
Enter the Device ID. The device ID should be a unique identifier for a specific device.
Manually created records default to the Device Status of Trusted, meaning the device is allowed to log in to NetSuite.
Change the status, if preferred. Devices in any status other than Trusted will not be allowed to log in to NetSuite.
Pending -Awaiting review and approval from an administrator. For device records created manually, the administrator should change the status to Pending before saving the record. This allows additional time to verify the information (especially the Device ID) has been entered correctly.
On Hold -Has been reviewed by the administrator, but is not yet approved. This status could be used for devices for a store that is not yet open, for example.
Denied -Reviewed by the administrator and denied access to NetSuite.
Click Submit.
Viewing System Notes
Administrators can view the change history of a device record on the System Notes tab.
To view the system notes for a device:
Go to Setup > Integration > Device ID.
On the List of devices page, click Edit or View for a particular device.
On the Device page, click the System Notes tab.
For more information about system notes, see System Notes Overview.
Deleting a Device Record
Administrators can delete a device record. For example, you may want to delete a device that was created manually if information such as the device ID was not entered correctly.
To delete a device record:
Go to Setup > Integration > Device ID.
On the List of devices page, click Edit or View for a particular device.
Select Delete from the Actions list.
If you are sure you want to delete this device, click OK.
A confirmation notice appears on the List of devices page.
You can search for a device’s login history using the Login Audit Trail search capabilities, even after the device record has been deleted. See Login Audit Trail Overview. Only a device that has been used for login leaves a login audit trail. Searching for a device that was never used for login will have no results.