URL Component Aliases

If you use URL Components on your item records, URL Component Aliases let you define URL aliases for those items or facets whose URL Component you may have changed. For example, when you originally setup a prelude tank top, you used the URL Component tank-top-prelude but you later decide that Prelude-Tank-Top is a better URL for the item.

It is important to remember that if you change a URL parameter, it is possible that the page has already been indexed with that URL parameter and also that a visitor may have bookmarked the page or may have shared the URL with friends. If you change the URL parameter, any search engine that tries to access the page will receive a 404 Page Not Found error.

By using the URL Component Aliases feature, you can change the URL Component for the item to Prelude-Tank-Top, and define a URL Component Alias for tank-top-prelude. Now, when a visitor or search engine visits http://mywebstore.com/tank-top-prelude, they are automatically redirected to http://mywebstore.com/Prelude-Tank-Top. You can define the following URL Component Aliases for the same item:


URL Component Aliases are available only for Shopflow 1.06 or later.

To use URL Component Aliases, you must first enable the URL Components Alias feature in NetSuite. For more information, see Enable URL Components Alias. Then you can enter URL Components on item records, and use the URL Component Alias subtab to maintain a list of aliases for that item. For more information, see URL Components on Items. To manage URL components for facets, you can use the URL Components for Facets page. For more information, see URL Components for Facets.

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