Sales Transactions

All transactions generated from SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) at the point-of-sale (POS) are recorded in NetSuite. SCIS installs saved transaction searches that can be used for sales reporting. For more information, see Saved Searches, Reports, and Audit Logs.

Also see:

Cash Sales

Each sales transaction originates as a cash sale. The cash sale transforms to an invoice for cash-and-carry sales with split payments. Sales orders are generated for orders for delivery. As orders for delivery are processed and shipped, item fulfillments are created from the sales order.

A basic sales transaction entered in SCIS, paid using one payment method is recorded on a cash sale transaction form. Administrators can view or edit cash sale transactions in NetSuite. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Cash Sales > List.



A basic sale, paid with multiple payment methods is recorded on an invoice form. For example, an invoice form is used when a customer pays part of the amount due in cash, and the remaining amount with a credit card. The Standard Product Invoice form is used by default. To view or edit an invoice in NetSuite, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List.


If the sales associate applies a gift card payment first in a split tender transaction, the result is a Cash Sale record, not an Invoice record.

Optimize EMV Enabled Sales Transactions

When the Optimize EMV preference is enabled, SCIS submits a customer payment and invoice during the EMV device priming process. Because customer payments do not calculate taxes, or typically run user event scripts, the process of submitting a sales transaction is faster.


The Optimize EMV preference affects specific types of sales transactions:

  • Sales transactions where the entire amount is processed using an EMV payment method.

  • Sales transactions where an EMV payment method is the first one used in a split payment of more than one payment method.

SCIS EMV Payment Method

POS Status Definitions

The POS Status field appears on all transactions entered with SCIS. This field displays values that are not part of the standard transaction record. The values displayed in this field provide information about transactions that are closed or in progress. This is a read-only field that is set automatically as transactions are created and processed in SCIS.

The following list includes values that can appear in the POS Status field and descriptions for the values:

  • Closed – Status when a transaction is paid in full or has a Credit Memo fully applied.

  • Dismissed – Status when an associate does not resume a transaction that was interrupted during an EMV payment. These interruptions are typically caused by the SCIS application unexpectedly closing . When a transaction is interrupted, the associate has the option to resume the transaction or dismiss it.

  • Open – Status set when transaction is created. Also set if a saved transaction is resumed without being completed.

  • Partially Returned – Status when one or more (but not all) items in a transaction are returned.

  • Returned – Status set when all items in a transaction are returned.

  • Tendering – Status when a transaction is only partially–paid.

  • Suspended – Status for saved or suspended transactions.


    Suspended orders are classified as an “Unapproved Payment Status.” To place a transaction in “Unapproved” status, a credit card payment method must be selected. The specific payment method is not relevant and has no impact. Unapproved is the only status that allows a non-posting transaction to be created without affecting reports and inventory.

Recovering From Cash, Check, or Custom Tendering Issues During Payment

A cash, check, or custom payment might experience issues during the tendering phase, after tapping Apply Payment. One type of issue is when a SCIS mobile device experiences a communications failure while processing the payment. A different tendering issue is when the SCIS application is closed while a payment is tendering.

SCIS displays prompts with actions your sales associates can take to recover and complete a payment, such as reconnecting, resuming, going to Fallback, or dismissing the transaction. The recovery options display in popup window, either when the issue occurs or when the SCIS application is restarted.


These payment methods are not supported for tendering recovery: Purchase on Account (also called Terms), Gift Card, and Credit Memo.

The following are typical message prompts and the actions available.

  • Connection is not available

    This issue might occur when an internet connection is lost while applying a payment. SCIS tries to restore the connection for 60 seconds, with an option to retry for another 60 seconds.

    SCIS EMV Connection is not available 1 SCIS EMV Connection is not available 2

    If Fallback is enabled in your setup, sales associates can abandon the recovery attempts by going to Fallback and re-entering the transaction.

    SCIS EMV Connection is not available 3
  • Application was closed while the payment was in progress

    If the SCIS application is closed during a payment, and then restarted, the application offers to resume and complete the transaction. The application might close because the sales associate shut it down by accident, or SCIS might experience an issue that causes it to close.

    SCIS EMV Recovery Resume Transaction

    Sales associates can dismiss the transaction instead of resuming it. This option is helpful if they need to begin a new transaction.


    If a sales associate dismisses the transaction, the associated record in NetSuite is assigned a POS Status of Dismissed.

Different popup windows display based on the type of payment issue and whether Fallback is enabled. In each case, the messages list the options that sales associates can take.

Orders for Delivery

The sales associate can have products shipped to the customer. Each line of the order can be shipped to a different residential address or marked to be picked up in another store. Shipping capabilities in SCIS leverage the Multiple Shipping Routes feature in NetSuite. The following conditions must be met to create orders for delivery:

  • A non-default customer must be selected on the order. Orders for delivery require a customer record with a shipping address. Before creating the order, the sales associate must establish whether the customer is already registered with the store. If the customer does not already exist in the system, then a customer record must be created.

  • Items must exist in the cart. The sales associate uses the Item Action menu to set up the delivery. The Item Action menu appears under each line-item in the cart.

    Item Action Order Icon

When an SCIS order is set up for delivery, the resulting transaction is a Cash Sale or an Invoice (depending on the payment methods, or return status). The workflow is the same for a delivery order as with a standard order. The difference is that the cash sale or invoice is created from a sales order. If the order contains items that are not to be shipped, an item fulfillment transaction is created in NetSuite for those items as well.


SuiteCommerce InStore supports ship from store and pickup in-store. For more information, read SCIS Ship from Store, Pickup In-Store Overview in the SCIS Administrator’s Guide. See also Fulfilling Orders for Shipping and Pickup with SCIS, in the SCIS User Guide.


When an item is not shipped, the address in the Ship To field on the transaction line in NetSuite is set to the store location address.

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