Frequently Asked Questions: Application Performance Management

See the following questions and answers for more information about the Application Performance Management SuiteApp (APM).

Is there a cost associated with the APM?

No. This SuiteApp is available for installation at no cost. See Installing the Application Performance Management SuiteApp for instructions.

What is the minimum required version for APM SuiteApps?

APM SuiteApps are managed SuiteApps that are automatically updated whenever there are upgrades. To ensure that the SuiteApps work as expected, always use the latest version of the APM SuiteApps.

In Sandbox and Release Preview accounts, where managed SuiteApps must be updated manually, the minimum required versions are as follows:

  • APM version 2.1.6 or later

  • APM for SuiteCommerce version 1.0.7 or later

  • SuiteCommerce InStore APM version 1.01.5 or later

Will installation of the APM cause slower performance in my NetSuite account?

No. The SuiteApp reads from data stored in the server. It does not create any additional overhead for your existing customizations aside from the scripts used to display the dashboard.

When I install APM from the SuiteApp Marketplace, what happens to the roles and employees that I have set up on the APM Setup page of APM installed from the Search & Install Bundles page?

If you previously installed the APM SuiteApp from the Search & Install Bundles page then you installed the APM SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace, the roles and employees that you have set up on the APM Setup page are automatically migrated to the Marketplace version of the SuiteApp.

Can the layout of the APM be customized?

This feature is not available now.

Can the displayed content in each pane of the APM be restricted?

This feature is not available now.

How many record tiles can Record Pages Monitor show?

Record Pages Monitor can show up to 20 record tiles. By default, the dashboard displays the 10 most used record operations and can be configured to show an additional 10. For more details, see Record Pages Monitor Tiles.

Can the APM get data from a date prior to the date this SuiteApp was installed?


What is the time range of past data that the APM can retrieve?

The APM tools can display data from up to 30 days in the past. 30 days is also the maximum preset option in the time interval dropdown list. Date ranges that span more than 30 days in the past are not assured to be available. You may customize your date range to retrieve data from more than 30 days in the past, but the page can display the data only if it is still available.

What time zone is used in the APM?

Time values shown in APM follow the time zone that the user set for the account.

Is the raw data used by the APM available for access?

No. This data is not available in its raw form. It is represented by the aggregations and visualizations that APM provides.

Can the data shown in the APM be exported as a Microsoft Excel, CSV, or PDF file?

You can export the data from various APM pages into a CSV file. The maximum number of data rows that can be exported is 10,000. For more information, read Exporting Data from Application Performance Management.

Does the APM show the number of records affected and the median length of time required to process one record?

Yes, this information is shown in the record tiles on the Record Pages Monitor.

In the time interval dropdown on the Record Pages Monitor, what does (resolution x min/hour) mean?

Resolution means the time interval used for the aggregation. For example, a resolution of 5 minutes means that each point in the trend graph represents an aggregate of 5 minutes. The resolution value sets the plot point intervals on the x-axis of the data visualizations. For more information about the time interval dropdown list, see Adding a Custom Date and Time Range on Record Pages Monitor.

What value is captured by the response time shown in the record tiles?

This value is the median of each response time in the total time for the specified combination of record, operation, and time.

Is there any legend in the APM or associated email alert indicating when performance is not normal?

This feature is not available now.

On the Page Time Details page, what are Client: Header, Client: Render, and Client: Init?

Client: Header is the amount of time to render the head element of the page. Client: Render is the amount of time for the browser to render the response after the head element finished rendering. Client: Init is the amount of time used by the Page Init function. For more information, see Using Page Time Details.

Does the APM make it possible to determine which script or workflow is causing a high SuiteScript or workflow time?

This information can be determined through analysis of the Page Time Summary and Page Time Details.

Can the APM tell if a script is slow due to a slow search?

This feature is not available now.

Does the APM include performance data from scripts associated with other SuiteApps?


Does the APM provide a way to determine if a script is currently running?

Script performance log data is only captured after scripts have been executed successfully. If data for a script is shown in the APM, the script has stopped running.

Does the APM provide a way to determine which part of a script execution is causing slower performance?

This feature is not available now.

Does the SuiteScript Analysis tool also reflect the run time of workflows?


Is there an analysis tool for workflows similar to the SuiteScript Analysis tool?

Workflow times are included in the Page Time Summary. A dedicated analysis tool for workflows is not available now.

What is the relationship between the execution time and instance count numbers shown when you place your cursor over the SuiteScript Analysis Performance Chart?

The time it took for each instance to execute is based on the execution time. The execution time is represented as an aggregation.

How long does it take for the APM to reflect script optimizations made after reviewing APM data?

The change in performance should take effect quickly. You should be able to see the impact on performance in APM data almost in real time.

Why does a script run much more slowly in my NetSuite account than the same script runs in my friend’s NetSuite account?

Each NetSuite instance is different. Many factors other than configuration can impact performance.

What should I do if I think that the number of seconds averaged per operation is not fast enough?

If you require investigation of performance data from the APM, please file a case with NetSuite Customer Support.

Does the APM provide information about web services performance?

Yes, this information is available on the SOAP Web Services Analysis and REST Web Services Analysis tools. For more information, see Analyzing Web Services Performance.

Does the APM provide information about web store performance?

You can view the performance of web stores or websites and other Commerce products on the SuiteCommerce APM and SuiteCommerce InStore APM SuiteApps. For more information, see Application Performance Management (APM) for Commerce.

Does the APM provide information about performance of scheduled scripts using multiple queues?

Yes, this information is available on the SuiteCloud Processors Monitor tool. SuiteCloud Processors Monitor replaces the Script Queue Monitor to help you view the performance of deployments that continue to use queues. For more information, see Monitoring SuiteCloud Processors Performance.

Why do some of my account’s logs seem incomplete after the move to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)?

Your performance logs are not moved with your NetSuite account to the new data center built on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). For the first 29 days after the move, the displayed values will be calculated using data stored since the date of the move, rather than from the last 30 days.

For more information about account moves to OCI, see Account Move to OCI FAQ.

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