Manage TBA Tokens in the NetSuite UI
Tokens created using the Token-based Authentication feature in your NetSuite production account are not copied to your Release Preview or to your sandbox accounts. To test this feature in Release Preview or in a sandbox, you must create new tokens in that account. Each time the sandbox is refreshed, you must create new tokens in the sandbox.
Managing TBA tokens in your account includes the following:
Creating Tokens
There are various methods for creating tokens. In the NetSuite UI, the method employed depends on the permission assigned to the role. For more information, see the following topics:
Viewing, Editing, and Revoking Tokens See Viewing, Editing, Creating, and Revoking TBA Tokens to open the Access Tokens list view page. Tokens can also be created by clicking New Access Token on this page.
Search for tokens in your account. See Using the TBA Access Token Search Page.
Users can also create tokens without logging in to the NetSuite UI. For more information, see the following topics:
Token-based Authentication (TBA) for Integration Application Developers
Issue Token and Revoke Token REST Services for Token-based Authentication