SCA Source Directory

You can download the SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) source files directly from the file cabinet in NetSuite. The structure of these source files depends on the version of your implementation. The tables in the following topics describe the files and folders you see when you extract your source files from the NetSuite file cabinet and then set up the SCA developer tools:

SCA 2019.2 and Later Source Directory

For SCA 2019.2 and later releases, when you download and extract the source files as described in Download SCA Source Files, the default name for the top-level directory is SuiteCommerce Advanced xx.x (where xx.x refers to the release, such as 20.1). The following directories and sub-directories reside in the top-level SuiteCommerce Advanced directory:



The following table describes the preceding directories as well as some important files:

File / Folder



This folder contains the workspace for SuiteCommerce Advanced source code. This folder also contains administrative files necessary to run npm and gulp commands.

You execute npm and node commands from this folder location.

xx.x refers to the release. For example, SC_20.1_Live.


This folder contains the source code for all of the modules that are used exclusively by SCA. This folder also contains the distro.json file, which lists all of the modules used by the SCA application and the name and version number of the distribution.


This folder contains models and service controllers for modules that have been migrated to SuiteScript 2.0.


This folder contains the source code for all of all modules that are common to both SCA and SuiteCommerce InStore.


This folder contains all of the files required by Gulp.js. You should not edit the files within this directory.


This folder contains all of the files associated with the compiled application and any that rely on SuiteScript 1.0. This directory is created when you run the gulp deploy command. When you run the command, the compiled application files are output to this directory. After compilation, the contents of this directory are deployed to your NetSuite account.

See Contents of the Deploy and Local Distribution Directories for information on the contents of this directory.


Do not manually edit the files in this directory. It is created and updated when you run the gulp command.


This folder contains all of the files associated with the compiled application that rely on SuiteScript 2.0. This directory is created when you run the gulp deploy command.

See Contents of the Deploy and Local Distribution Directories for information on the contents of this directory.


Do not manually edit the files in this directory. It is created and updated when you run the gulp command.


Created when you run the gulp local command, this directory contains all of the files associated with the compiled application used by the local server.

When you run this command, Gulp.js outputs the compiled application files to this directory. After compilation, the contents of this directory are deployed to the local Node.js server.

See Contents of the Deploy and Local Distribution Directories for information on the contents of this directory.


Do not manually edit the files in this directory. It is created and updated when you run the gulp command.


Created when you run the gulp local command, this directory contains all of the files associated with the compiled application that rely on SuiteScript 2.0 and are used by the local server.

When you run this command Gulp.js outputs the compiled application files to this directory. After compilation, the contents of this directory are deployed to the local Node.js server.

See Contents of the Deploy and Local Distribution Directories for information on the contents of this directory.


Do not manually edit the files in this directory. It is created and updated when you run the gulp command.


This folder stores the dependencies and other files required by Node.js. This directory is created when you run the npm install command during SCA developer tools set up.


Contains all the JavaScript code for Gulp.js. You should only edit this file if you need to add a new task to Gulp.js .


This file defines how Gulp.js connects to your NetSuite account during deployment. This file is created the first time you run the gulp deploy command.


This file, located in the SC_xx.x_Live directory, lists all of the modules used by the SCA application. It also specifies the name and version number of the distribution.

SCA 2019.1 and Earlier Source Directory

The source directory for SCA 2019.1 and earlier releases includes the following folders:

            SuiteCommerce Advanced Version


The following table describes the preceding directories as well as some important files:

File / Folder


SuiteCommerce Advanced Version

This folder contains the workspace for SuiteCommerce Advanced source code. This folder also contains administrative files necessary to run npm and gulp commands.

You execute npm and node commands from this folder location.

Version refers to the release. For example: SuiteCommerce Advanced 2019.1 or SuiteCommerce Advanced Aconcagua


Contains all of the files required by Gulp.js. This file is created when Gulp.js is installed. You should not edit the files within this directory.


This folder contains the source code for all of the modules that are used exclusively by SCA.


Stores the dependencies and other files required by Node.js. This directory is created when you run the npm install command as part of the SCA developer tools set up.


Created when you run the gulp local command. This directory contains all of the files associated with the compiled application used by the local server.

When you run this command, Gulp.js outputs the compiled application files to this directory. After compilation, the contents of this directory are deployed to the local Node.js server.

See Contents of the Deploy and Local Distribution Directories for information on the contents of this directory.


Do not manually edit the files in this directory. It is created and updated when you run the gulp command.


Contains all of the files associated with the compiled application. This file is created when you run the gulp deploy command.

When you run this command, the compiled application files are output to this directory. After compilation, the contents of this directory are deployed to your NetSuite account.

See Contents of the Deploy and Local Distribution Directories for information on the contents of this directory.


Do not manually edit the files in this directory. It is created and updated when you run the gulp command.


Defines how Gulp.js connects to your NetSuite account during deployment. This file is created the first time you run the gulp deploy command.


Lists all of the modules used by the SuiteCommerce Advanced application. It also specifies the name and version number of the distribution.


Contains all the JavaScript code for Gulp.js. You should only edit this file if you need to add a new task to Gulp.js .

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