Performing Mass Deletes

The Mass Update functionality enables you to delete multiple records. To perform mass deletes, you must have the Mass Updates permission and the appropriate permission level to delete the records. For example, to use the Delete Files mass update, you must have at least the Edit level of the Documents and Files permission. Files deleted using the Delete Files mass update cannot be recovered.

Available Deletions

The following table describes the mass deletes that are available on the Mass Updates page and the permission required to delete the records.

Delete Name

Permission Required


Delete Cases

Cases -Full

Delete Events

Events -Full

Delete Files

Documents and Files -Edit

Delete Phone Calls

Tasks -Edit

Delete Reports

Owner or Administrator

Delete Tasks

Tasks -Edit

Delete Web Site Redirects

Set Up Web Site -Full

Remove Partner

Estimate -Edit

Removes a partner from a customer or sales transaction, if the partner contribution percentage is set to 0%.

Remove Sales Team Member

Estimate -Edit

Removes a sales team member from a customer, if the sales member commission assignment percentage is set to 0%.

To perform a mass delete:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. Expand an item in the Action list to see which records can be deleted in bulk. For example, if you expand Activities, you can mass delete events, tasks, or phone calls.

  3. Choose the record type to delete and click the link. For example, to delete event records, click Delete Events. The Mass Update page opens.

  4. In the Filter list on the Criteria tab, specify the criteria that define the records you want to mass delete. For example, you can delete all events for a specific Attendee.

  5. When you have finished, click Preview.

  6. Review the records that match your criteria.

    If you want to keep any of these records, clear the Apply box next to them.

  7. To mass delete the records, click Perform Update.

Related Topics

General Notices