3 Way Match Vendor Bill Approval States

The 3 Way Match Vendor Bill Approval Workflow is initiated during creation and editing of a vendor bill. The workflow verifies that the bill creator has an assigned supervisor. The vendor bill goes through the states for validation against the exception criteria. From the following list of approval states, you can learn the order of processing and dependencies among the states.

Approval Routing Feature Check

Each submitted vendor bill enters the Approval Routing state. If you are the bill creator, the workflow verifies that the Vendor Bills accounting preference is enabled in your account. After your account is verified, the vendor bill proceeds to the next state to undergo initial validations.

Bill Validation

When a vendor bill enters the Bill Validation state, its status is set to Pending Approval. As the bill creator, your supervisor is automatically assigned as the approver. Initial validations that are not related to quantity and amount are performed on the bill.

Quantity Tolerance Validation

In the Quantity Tolerance state, the vendor bill is validated based on the quantity tolerance limits that you defined. The workflow checks for an existing subsidiary before executing those validations that use the quantity tolerance of the subsidiary record. Another check is made to determine if the Bill in Advance of Receipt feature is enabled. If enabled, exceptions that validate against the item receipt are no longer executed.

Quantity Difference Validation

In the Quantity Difference state, the workflow uses the values you provided in the quantity difference fields to executed related criteria. It executes the subsidiary-dependent validations based on the subsidiary check done previously in the Quantity Tolerance Validation state. It skips the validations against the item receipt when the Bill in Advance of Receipt feature is enabled.

Amount Validation

Exception criteria that identify amount discrepancies on the vendor bill and purchase order are executed in the Amount Validation state. Those that use the subsidiary amount on the purchase order are only executed if there is an existing subsidiary in your account.

This is the final state where validations are performed before the vendor bill is routed to an approver or is automatically approved. It is automatically approved when no discrepancies are identified.

Pending Approval

After going through the Amount Validation state, a vendor bill with exception is transferred to the Pending Approval state. Otherwise, it goes directly to the Approved state.

In the Pending Approval state, the designated approver is sent an email notification. The record is locked for editing, when waiting for the supervisor’s approval or rejection.

The list of all exceptions gathered from validations that are executed in the previous states is compiled. The Bill Exception button is enabled on the vendor bill record.


A vendor bill enters the Rejected state if it is not approved by the supervisor. The vendor bill status is changed to Rejected. An email notification is sent to the bill creator.

As the bill creator, you can make the necessary corrections to the record and resubmit it for approval. You also have the option of canceling it. If you resubmit the vendor bill, it goes through Bill Validation again and the rest of the validation states. It is automatically approved if discrepancies are no longer found.


A vendor bill that enters this state is either approved by the supervisor or automatically approved if no discrepancy is found. The vendor bill status is changed to Approved. An email notification is sent to the bill creator.

Show Exceptions

On the vendor bill record, when you click Bill Exception, the vendor bill enters the Show Exceptions state. In this state, all identified discrepancies are retrieved and displayed for viewing. This option is made available after the vendor bill goes through the Pending Approval state.

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