Customizing Roles to Use the Dunning Features

Custom roles can be given permission to use the dunning features.


If you add dunning permissions to a custom role, you must also select either Dunning Director or Dunning Manager in the Dunning Role field of the Role page. A custom role without appropriate permissions, and is not assigned either a Dunning Director or Dunning Manager role, will not be able to access the dunning pages and records.

For steps to customize roles to use the dunning features, read the following topics:

The system checks for discrepancies between the custom role and the Dunning Director or Dunning Manager role.

In the following example, an error message will appear when the custom role tries to create or modify a dunning procedure, because only a dunning director can create or modify a dunning procedure.


Granting Dunning Director Permissions to a Custom Role

Perform the following steps to give a custom role the same access as the Dunning Director role.

To grant dunning director permissions to a custom role:

  1. View the permissions and access levels of the Dunning Director role:

    1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

    2. Click the Dunning Director link (from bundle 392827).

    3. Click the Permissions tab, and click the following subtabs to view permissions and access levels of the Dunning Director role:

      • Transactions

      • Reports

      • Lists

      • Setup

      • Custom Record


      NetSuite discourages the use of the Show Role Differences feature to compare the dunning role permissions with your custom role permissions because some of the permissions do not show.

    4. Click the Forms tab, and click the Custom Record subtab to view permissions and access levels of the Dunning Director role.

    5. Click the Searches tab, and click the Custom Record subtab to view permissions and access levels of the Dunning Director role.

    See Reviewing Permissions Assigned to Roles.

  2. Edit your custom role by performing the following steps:

    1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

    2. Click the Edit link next to the name of the custom role.

    3. Add the Dunning Director permissions and access levels. Refer to Step 1c, Step 1d, and Step 1e.

      For information about adding permissions and setting access levels, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

    4. Make sure the appropriate dunning role is assigned. In the Dunning Role field, select Dunning Director.

    5. Click Save.

  3. Add your custom role to the script audience of each of the following Suitelets intended for dunning directors:

    • Dunning Procedure Bulk Assignment

    • Dunning Queue SU (SS2) – Email

    • Dunning Queue SU (SS2) -PDF

    • Bulk Update Customer Records for Dunning

    • Bulk Update Process Service SU

    1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

    2. Using Filters with Suitelet as Type, find the suitelet titles in the list.

    3. Click Edit next to the suitelet.

    4. On the Audience tab, select the custom role to which you want to give access. This will allow the script to run using the custom role.


      Do not replace the existing audience. Only add your custom role to the audience. For more information about using the Audience tab, see Defining Script Audience.

    5. Click Save.

  4. Add your custom role to the audience list of the appropriate center:

    1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs.

    2. Click the Edit link of the center type that you want the role to access.


      If the custom role is based on an accounting role, add the custom role to the Accounting center. If the custom role is not based on an Accountant or A/R Clerk role, add the custom role to the Dunning Center, not the Accounting center.


      Center Type


      Dunning Center


      Accounting Center

    3. On the Center Tab page, click the Audience subtab.

    4. Select the custom role to give access to.


      Do not replace the existing audience. Only add your custom role to the audience. For more information about using the Audience tab, see Defining Script Audience.

    5. Click Save.

Granting Dunning Manager Permissions to a Custom Role

Perform the following steps to give a custom role the same access as the Dunning Manager role.

To grant dunning manager permissions to a custom role:

  1. View the permissions and access levels of the Dunning Manager role:

    1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

    2. Click the Dunning Manager link (from bundle 392827).

    3. Click the Permissions tab, and click the following subtabs to view permissions and access levels of the Dunning Manager role:

      • Transactions

      • Reports

      • Lists

      • Setup

      • Custom Record

    4. Click the Forms tab, and click the Custom Record subtab to view permissions and access levels of the Dunning Manager role.

    5. Click the Searches tab, and click the Custom Record subtab to view permissions and access levels of the Dunning Manager role.

    See Reviewing Permissions Assigned to Roles.

  2. Edit your custom role by performing the following steps:

    1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

    2. Click the Edit link next to the name of the custom role.

    3. Add the Dunning Manager permissions and access levels. Refer to Step 1c, Step 1d, and Step 1e.

      For information about adding permissions and setting access levels, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

    4. Make sure the appropriate dunning role is assigned. In the Dunning Role field, select Dunning Manager.

    5. Click Save.

  3. Add your custom role to the script audience of each of the following suitelets intended for dunning managers:

    • Dunning Queue SU (SS2) – Email

    • Dunning Queue SU (SS2) – PDF

    1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

    2. Using Filters with Suitelet as Type, find the suitelet titles in the list.

    3. Click Edit next to the suitelet.

    4. On the Audience tab, select the custom role to which you want to give access. This will allow the script to run using the custom role.


      Do not replace the existing audience. Only add your custom role to the audience. For more information about using the Audience tab, see Defining Script Audience.

    5. Click Save.

  4. Add your custom role to the audience list of the appropriate center type from bundle 392827:

    1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs.

    2. Click the Edit link of the center type that you want the role to access.


      If the custom role is based on an accounting role, add the custom role to the Accounting center. If the custom role is not based on an Accountant or A/R Clerk role, add the custom role to the Dunning Center, not the Accounting center.


      Center Type


      Dunning Center


      Accounting Center

    3. On the Center Tab page, click the Audience subtab.

    4. Select the custom role to give access to.


      Do not replace the existing audience. Only add your custom role to the audience. For more information about using the Audience tab, see Defining Script Audience.

    5. Click Save.

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