Adding Dunning Levels to a Dunning Procedure

Each dunning procedure must have at least one dunning level. Dunning levels dictate which dunning letter template to use for a particular dunning level rule. Typically, a friendly reminder is used when a customer is only a few days late. When the overdue amount or days overdue exceed a certain threshold, a more aggressive letter is used.

You can add a maximum of 15 dunning levels to a dunning procedure. For each dunning level, you must assign a dunning letter template record.

Before you can add dunning levels to a dunning procedure, you must first create dunning level rule records. See Creating Dunning Level Rules.

To add dunning levels to a dunning procedure:

  1. Edit or create a new dunning procedure record.

  2. Click the Levels subtab.

  3. Add levels by performing the following steps:

    1. In the Dunning Level Rule column, select dunning level rule to apply to the level. The following columns are automatically filled in when you select a dunning level rule:

      • Currencies

      • Default Currency

      • Minimum Transaction Amount

      • Total Overdue Balance

      • Days Overdue

    2. In the Template column, select the dunning template record to be used for the dunning level.

  4. Click Add to save the level.

  5. Repeat steps 3–4 for additional levels. You can create a maximum of 15 levels for one dunning procedure.


    The first row is the lowest level. Subsequent levels must have a greater value for Days Overdue than the previous level. You can insert a level between two levels if the number of days overdue is greater than the previous level and less than the subsequent level. Only the last level can be deleted.

  6. Click Save.

To edit a dunning level in a dunning procedure:

  1. On the Dunning Procedure page, click the value in the Dunning Level Rule column to select a various rule, or click the value in the Template column to select a various template.

  2. To change the order of the levels, drag the level to the desired row. The first row is the lowest level. Subsequent levels must have a greater value in the Days Overdue field than the previous level.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Save to save the dunning procedure.

To delete a dunning level from a dunning procedure:

  1. On the Dunning Procedure page, click the level that you want to delete.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click Save to save the dunning procedure.

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