Setting Up Descriptive URLs

To set up descriptive URLs in Site Builder, you must have set up a custom domain at Commerce > Hosting > Domains. Also, the Advanced Site Customization feature and the Descriptive URLs feature must be enabled.

You can enter keywords in the URL Components field on the following record types in NetSuite: tabs, categories, items, and images. The Bulk Set URL Components task derives URL components from the record name on tabs and categories, and from the Web Store Display name on item records. Note that the task only sets a value in the URL Component field when that field is blank. It does not overwrite a value that you set in the URL Component field.

To set up Descriptive URLs:

  1. Enable the Descriptive URLs feature at Setup > Company > Enable Features > Web Presence.


    You must also turn on the Advanced Site Customization feature, and use a custom domain. For more information, see Point Your Domain Name at Your Domain (DNS Settings).

  2. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  3. Click edit next to a website.

  4. Set your preferences in the Descriptive URLs section. The preferences you set here are applied automatically. You are not required to run the Bulk Set URL Components task after changing your preferences.

    1. In the Format field, choose from the following options for items in your web store:

      • /tab-name/category-name/item-name

      • /item-name

    2. Check the Use File Extension box to optimize descriptive URLs on item and category pages. This preference does the following:

      • Includes the file name extension on URLs that point to item pages, and information item pages.

      • Includes a trailing slash on URLs that point to tabs and categories. For example,


      The file name extension is always included in the descriptive URL pointing to images stored in the Images folder of the file cabinet, whether this box is checked or cleared.

    3. To handle unrecognized URLs, select one of the options under Action for Unrecognized URLs:

      • Page Not Found – Returns a Page Not Found (404) error for unrecognized URLs.

      • Moved Permanently – Redirects to the last valid descriptive URL for the item with 301 Moved Permanently status code.

      • Return Search Results – Redirects to a search results page on your site, based on keywords found in the URL.

    4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Marketing/Upsell > Bulk Set URL Components.

    1. In the Action section, choose to set or clear URL components.


      Clearing URL components could have a negative impact on search engine ranking. For more information, see Best Practice for Using Descriptive URLs.

    2. In the Apply To section:

      • Check the Item and Category box to set URL components on tab, category, and item pages.

      • Check the Web Site Images box to set URL components on files in the Images folder of the file cabinet.

    3. In the Images Options section, select a source for generating URL components for images. :

      • Image Caption – Derives the URL component from the Caption field on image files.

      • Alt Image Tag – Derives the URL component from the Alt Image Tag field on the image file.

      • Item/Category Name – Derives the URL component from the name of the item or category record to which the image is attached. For images associated with both a category and an item, the category name is used.

        For example, if the item is named “My Item” the image attached would be named “My-Item-image.” The thumbnail would be named “My-Item-thumb.” A file extension is added based on the preference you set in Step 4b.


        On image files attached to item records the URL components are sourced from the Store Display Name field under the Store sub tab of the item.

      • Best Available – Derives the URL component for images based on the criteria listed below:

        1. The store display name of the item associated with the image.

        2. The value in the Alt Image Tag field on the image file.

        3. The value in the Caption field on the image file.

  6. Click Submit.

After you run the Bulk Set URL Components task, a descriptive URL points to each page of your website. The same URL component is used for a particular item in every location within the site. Parameters are added to the descriptive URL to provide site location context as needed.

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