Suspend, Resume, Cancel Transactions

If a customer is not ready to complete a purchase, but wants to keep the item list and return to complete it later, you can suspend the NSPOS sales transaction. This saves all details about the potential purchase and lets you start a new transaction with the next person in line. You can quickly resume the transaction when the customer is ready.

You can cancel current transactions in progress and cancel suspended transactions if the customer declines to return to complete the purchase. After your store’s time limit on holding transactions has expired, suspended transactions cancel automatically. You cannot resume a canceled transaction.

Suspend a Transaction

Follow these steps to suspend and save all details about a transaction, including the customer’s name, items and any applied discounts.


After any form of payment is applied, in full or in part, you can no longer suspend a transaction.

NSPOS includes an option to print a set of suspended transaction receipts for the cashier and customer. The cashier can scan this receipt to quickly locate and resume a transaction. Administrators can enable this option by clearing the SupressPrintSuspended flag. See Flags and Settings in the NSPOS Administrator Guide.

To suspend a transaction:

  1. Start a sales transaction.

  2. Tap Suspend.

    This button might appear in the Other Functions menu.

Resume a Suspended Transaction

Use these steps to resume a transaction and continue processing the sale. You can do this from any register connected to your NSPOS network. If the transaction does not appear in the Resume list, it was manually canceled or the time limit has expired.

Suspended transactions take about five minutes to be available from other registers. This means a transaction suspended on one register may not be immediately eligible for resuming on another register.

To resume a suspended transaction:

  1. Verify that you have no transactions open in the Journal.

  2. Verify that a green circle appears on the Resume button showing at least one suspended transaction. This may appear under Other Functions.

  3. Tap Resume.

  4. When the Resume Transaction window displays, either:

    • Locate the transaction by drilling into the transaction day’s folder.

    • Search for the suspended transaction by customer name.

    • If printed, scan your or the customer’s suspend transaction receipt.

  5. Select the transaction.

  6. Complete the sale by adding items or taking payment.

Cancel a Suspended Transaction

If a customer will not resume a suspended transaction, follow these steps to remove it from the list.

To cancel a suspended transaction:

  1. Verify that you have no transactions open in the Journal.

  2. Verify that a green circle appears on the Resume button showing at least one suspended transaction. This may appear under Other Functions.

  3. Tap Resume.

  4. When the Resume Transaction window displays, either:

    • Locate the transaction by drilling into the transaction day’s folder.

    • Search for the suspended transaction by customer name.

    • If printed, scan your or the customer’s suspend transaction receipt.

  5. Select the transaction and tap Enter.

  6. Tap Voids / Returns.

  7. Tap Cancel Transaction.

  8. Choose a Reason from the list and tap Select.


You should not cancel a suspended transaction while a register is offline. Wait until the register is online (connected) before canceling.


If you cancel a suspended transaction while in offline mode and then restage that register without bringing it back online, the cancelation might not be pushed to the server.

If a register has been restaged and is online, and a suspended transaction canceled previously appears in the suspend queue, you should cancel the suspended transaction again.

Cancel a Current Transaction

Follow these steps if the customer decides to cancel their transaction while it is in progress.

To cancel a current transaction:

  1. Tap Voids / Returns.

  2. Tap Cancel Transaction.

  3. Choose a Reason from the list and tap Select.

    All line items are voided and a new transaction can begin.

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