Accept Payments for Purchases

In NSPOS, your customers can choose from a variety of methods to tender payment for their merchandise. The following are standard payment types. Your setup may not accept all types.


When the drawer opens for cash and other payments, portions of the screen are unavailable until you close the drawer.

Paying with Cash

Follow these steps to receive cash for a sales transaction.

To accept a cash payment:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap Cash.

  3. Use the keypad to enter the cash received.


    NSPOS uses decimal assumption to convert round entries into decimal numbers. For example, 350 converts to $3.50. To enter $350.00, enter the numbers 35000.

  4. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

    Each payment appears in the Journal and reduces the Amt Due. When the payment received meets or exceeds this amount, the Journal displays the Cash Change, the cash drawer opens and the receipt prints.

  5. Give the customer their change and receipt.

Paying with Cash using Preset Amounts

Your system administrator can customize NSPOS to receive cash in preset amounts. For example, if a customer tenders $40, you can tap a $20 preset button twice to quickly enter the amount and calculate the change. Not all setups include preset amount buttons.

To accept cash in preset amounts:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap the applicable preset cash amount button, such as $20 Cash.

  3. Repeat based on the cash received from the customer.

    Each payment appears in the Journal and reduces the Amt Due. When the payment received meets or exceeds this amount, the Journal displays the Cash Change, the cash drawer opens and the receipt prints.

  4. Give the customer their change and receipt.

Paying with a Check

Follow these steps to receive a bank check as payment for a sales transaction.

To accept a check payment:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap Check.

  3. Enter the amount of the check.

  4. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

  5. Enter the check number when prompted.

  6. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

    The cash drawer opens and the receipt prints.

  7. Insert the check in the cash drawer and give the customer their receipt.

Paying with a Credit Card

Depending on the hardware setup at your store and your country location, you or your customer can slide or insert credit cards through an attached card swipe reader or a CAT/PIN Pad terminal. Credit card payments are automatically routed through the third-party processor selected by your company.

To accept a credit card payment:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap Credit Card.

  3. Enter the amount to pay with the card.

  4. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

  5. When prompted, ask the customer to swipe their card or swipe it for them.


    If the register does not have a PIN-pad, a receipt prints with a signature line. Ask the customer to sign and return the receipt to you.

    When all information is entered, NSPOS processes the charge through your credit card payment provider. The payment appears in the Journal when processing completes.

  6. The receipt prints. If a signature receipt also prints, ask the customer to sign and then place it in the cash drawer.

  7. Give the customer their receipt.

About Prepaid Credit Cards. A prepaid credit card is any card pre-loaded with currency from a major credit card provider such as Visa®or MasterCard®. These cards should be processed as credit cards, not gift cards.

Prepaid credit cards can have two important attributes that may vary by card issuer:

Paying with a Debit Card

Debit cards are handled similar to credit cards except that they require the customer to enter their PIN (personal identification number). These generally require a customer-facing swipe device with a PIN pad.

If no device is available, you can process a debit card payment on-screen as a credit card.

To accept a debit card payment:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap Debit Card.

  3. Enter the amount to debit.

  4. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

  5. At the Please Slide Debit Card prompt, advise customer to swipe their debit card and follow the card reader prompts.

    NSPOS processes the debit through your credit card payment provider. The payment appears in the Journal and the receipt prints when processing completes.

  6. Give the customer their receipt.

Paying with a Gift Card or Gift Certificate

Follow these steps to accept a gift card or certificate as payment for a sales transaction. Gift cards are usually physical cards, while gift certificates are sent via email with an Authorization Code.

To accept a gift card payment:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap Gift Card.

  3. Tap Card.

  4. Enter the Gift Card Amount to subtract.

  5. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

  6. At the Please Slide Gift Card prompt, advise customer to swipe their gift card. You can enter the card number manually if needed.

  7. If the Amount Due (for example, $60.00) is greater than the Gift Card Amount you entered (for example, $50.00):

    • Tap Yes to apply the full gift card amount. You must enter an additional payment, also called split tender.

    • Tap No to cancel, and then select a different payment type.

  8. The receipt prints. Give the customer their receipt.

To accept a gift certificate payment:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Tap Gift Card.

  3. Tap Certificate.

  4. Enter the Gift Certificate Amount to subtract.

  5. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

  6. Enter the certificate Authorization Code.


    This may appear as Gift Certificate/Card Serial Number.

  7. Tap Enter or the green check mark.

  8. If the Amount Due (for example, $60.00) is greater than the Gift Card Amount you entered (for example, $50.00):

    • Tap Yes to apply the full gift certificate amount. You must enter an additional payment, also called split tender.

    • Tap No to cancel, and then select a different payment type.

  9. The receipt prints. Give the customer their receipt.


If a customer pays with a gift certificate that has a balance greater than the total amount due, you must return the remaining balance to the customer in cash. Otherwise the balance will become unavailable. This limitation affects gift certificate balances only, it does not apply to gift cards.

Split Tender – Taking more than one type of Payment

When a customer uses more than one type of payment, such a gift card and cash, we call that a split tender payment. No specific task is required to make a split tender; just tap the next payment type. If a customer wants to change a payment method already made, you can select the payment line in the Journal and tap Void Line.


A single credit or debit card can only be used once per transaction.

To accept multiple payment types:

  1. When you have finished ringing up all items, tap Amt Due.

  2. Select the first payment type.

  3. Enter an amount less than the total amount due. The tendered amount is added to the transaction in the Journal and subtracted from the Amt Due.

  4. Tap the next payment type button.

  5. Enter the next amount.

    When the payments meet or exceed the Amt Due, the Journal displays any Cash Change. The receipt prints and the cash drawer opens if change is due or to insert a check.

  6. Give the customer any change and receipt.

In the example below, a transaction is split into two payment types.

Transaction split into two payment types.

No Sale (open the cash drawer)

Follow these steps to open the cash drawer without performing a sale. You must select a Reason Code describing why you performed this action.

To open the cash drawer without a sale:

  1. Tap No Sale.

  2. Choose the Reason Code and tap Select.

  3. The cash drawer opens. Complete your task and close the drawer.

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