Statistical Account Register


The functions discussed in this topic require the Statistical Accounts and Multiple Units of Measure features to be enabled.


You must have REGT_STAT - Statistical Account Registers permission to view this register. Administrators can view this register. The REGT_STAT permission has been added to these core user roles: A/P Clerk : EDIT, Accountant : EDIT, Accountant (Reviewer) : VIEW, Bookkeeper : VIEW, CEO : FULL, CEO (Hands Off) : VIEW, CFO : FULL, Consultant : VIEW, Sales Administrator : VIEW, Sales Manager : VIEW, and Sales Vice President : VIEW. Users with permission to add permissions to custom roles can do so as needed.

You can use the register associated with a statistical account to obtain the date the statistical journal entry was recorded in the system, transaction number, customer associated with the statistical journal entry, any memo, and the amount relative to the associated unit of measure. A register is useful when you need to determine whether to reverse a statistical journal entry. For more information about statistical accounts, see Statistical Accounting Overview.

Do one of the following:

From the View list, choose Statistical, and then click the statistical account name to open the register.

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