Global Account Mapping
Please contact your sales or account representative to find out how to get the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature. The assistance of NetSuite Professional Services or a Multi-Book authorized partner is required to implement this feature. You should consider contacting NetSuite Professional Services or a Multi-Book authorized partner for assistance in setting up the Adjustment-Only Books feature, even though it is not required.
Multi-Book Accounting, including the Adjustment-Only Books feature, is available only in NetSuite OneWorld.
For transactions that enable the user to select the account on the transaction form, use global account mapping to configure secondary accounting books to post to accounts different from the primary book. For Global Account Mapping, NetSuite permits any account type to any account type mapping. If you create a mapping rule between different account types, NetSuite prompts you to confirm the mapping rule. You cannot create a mapping rule for account types that cannot be mapped. For more information, see Mapping Restrictions.
Add all custom dimensions before you begin account mapping. Any change in custom chart of account mapping dimension invalidates all existing mapping rules.
To configure global account mapping:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Multi-Book Accounting > Global Account Mappings.
In the General field group, complete the required and optional fields as follows:
Effective Date – (Required) The mapping rule is not effective until this date is reached. Dates in the past are permitted.
End Date – When this date is reached, the mapping ends. If no date is entered, the rule remains in effect.
Accounting Book – (Required) Select the secondary accounting book to which the rule applies.
Subsidiary – (Required) The list of available subsidiaries depends on the accounting book selected.
In the Source field group, select an account from the Source Account list.
This list filters accounts based on those restricted to the selected accounting book. For information about restricting accounts to accounting books, see Creating Accounts.
Select the appropriate dimensions from the Class, Department, and Location lists and any custom dimension list. Each account mapping must have unique dimension values.
Dimensions with the default value -Any - are permitted. Any dimensions with specific values selected have a higher priority in determining the account than those with the default.
In the Target field group, select an account from the Destination Account list.
This list filters accounts based on those restricted to the selected accounting book.
Click Save.
The Actions menu on the Global Account Mapping page includes a Delete command. Use this command with caution. The system does not track deleted rules. Memorized transactions and other auto-posting transactions that rely on a mapping rule do not correctly post if that rule is deleted later.
The Import Assistant supports global account mapping. If you have many accounts to map, CSV import is preferred. For more information, see Global Account Mapping Import.