Reports, KPIs, and Saved Searches in Multi-Book Accounting


Please contact your sales or account representative to find out how to get the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature. The assistance of NetSuite Professional Services or a Multi-Book authorized partner is required to implement this feature. You should consider contacting NetSuite Professional Services or a Multi-Book authorized partner for assistance in setting up the Adjustment-Only Books feature, even though it is not required.


Multi-Book Accounting, including the Adjustment-Only Books feature, is available only in NetSuite OneWorld.

When Multi-Book Accounting is enabled, a new filter called Accounting Book is added to standard reports that contain book-specific content and currency values. The filter enables you to select the accounting book context for the report. It includes active, pending, and inactive accounting books. book-generic attributes on a book-generic transaction display the same result in reports and searches for all accounting books. Book-specific records or accounting attributes yield different results depending on the accounting book selected in the Accounting Book filter. The accounting book you select in the filter becomes the default book the next time you run the report.


By default, Multi-Book Accounting supports financial consolidation only in the primary book. Therefore, the subsidiary context excludes consolidated nodes when you select a secondary book as the reporting context.

To run consolidated reports in secondary accounting books, check the Enable Consolidation box on the accounting book record. Secondary books enabled for consolidation have access to all NetSuite OneWorld consolidation including all tasks on the period close check list, consolidated reporting, auto-elimination, and book-specific consolidated exchange rates.


Only standard reports that include book-specific content and currency values have the Accounting Book filter. This includes the following reports by report category:

All custom reports include the filter. When you add the Currency: Base Currency column to a report, the base currency is the accounting book base currency for the subsidiary.

As an example of book-specific reporting, assume that you created a sales invoice for an inventory item together with the item fulfillment. The item is priced at 120 GBP. You have two books: a US GAAP book with U.S. dollars (USD) as the base currency and a UK book with British pounds (GBP) as the base currency. In the US GAAP book, the revenue is recognized over the next 12 months. In the UK book the revenue is immediately recognized.

The transaction amount in the sales invoice is 120 GBP, but it is translated into different base currencies for posting with a foreign currency exchange rate of 1/5 USD/GBP. In the US GAAP book, it posts to Deferred Revenue: Hardware, and in the UK book, it posts to a general Deferred Revenue account.


Transaction Amount

GL Debit

GL Credit


120 GBP

A/R 180 USD



120 GBP


Def Rev: Hardware 180 USD


120 GBP

A/R 120 GBP



120 GBP


Def Rev 120 GBP

Now you can run these reports to see the difference:

Saved Searches

By default, all saved searches search the primary book. A new search type called Multi-Book Accounting Transaction has been added to permit searches across accounting books. However, in NetSuite the saved search result is consolidated and denominated by the root subsidiary's base currency, which is only supported in the primary book.

A search using the Transaction search type returns only results with book-generic transactions. Book-specific transactions require the Multi-Book Accounting Transaction search type.

If you have enabled your secondary accounting books for consolidation, the Multi-Book Accounting Transaction search provides consolidated exchange rates for those secondary books.


The following standard KPIs and their associated drilldown reports also include the Accounting Book filter:


Drilldown Report

Bank Balance

Trial Balance


Income Statement

Credit Card Balance

Trial Balance


Balance Sheet


Income Statement

Fixed Assets

Trial Balance


Income Statement

Long Term Liabilities

Trial Balance

Net Cash Flow

Cash Flow Statement

Operating Cash Flow

Cash Flow Statement

Operating Expenses

Income Statement

Other Assets

Trial Balance

Other Current Assets

Trial Balance

Other Current Liabilities

Trial Balance


Income Statement


A/R Aging Summary


Income Statement

Use the Accounting Book list in the Dashboard View Filter to select the accounting book for your KPIs. The list includes only active accounting books. KPI results based on a secondary accounting book include only the transactions for the top-level subsidiary without the contribution of any child subsidiaries.

If you have enabled your secondary accounting books for consolidation, KPIs and Portlets on the Home page provide consolidated exchange rates for those secondary books.

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