Custom Form

When you import data for a record type, by default, the Field Mapping page includes the NetSuite fields available on your role's preferred form for the record type. Fields can be mapped for the import job if, on this form, they are displayed (not hidden) and not disabled.

Your preferred form may not include all the fields you need to import. For record types that allow custom forms, you have the option of selecting another form in the Import Assistant. You can specify an existing custom form that is available to your role, or you can create a custom form specifically for this purpose. The Custom Form dropdown in the Advanced Options section of the Import Assistant lists available custom forms for the record type to be imported.

If a custom form selected for a saved import is later deleted, an error displays when a user loads the saved import, indicating that the selected form cannot be found. The user can select a different form, or by default, their preferred form for the record type is used to determine mappable fields for the import.

The following table outlines how a selected custom form impacts a CSV import:


Transaction Forms

Entry Forms


  • Fields on selected form are mappable.

  • Values for form's included fields can be added to transactions.

  • Form is saved with added transactions.

  • Fields on selected form are mappable.

  • Values for form's included fields can be added to records.

  • If a form has the Store Form with Record option enabled, it is saved with added records. If a form has this option disabled, it is not saved with added records.


  • Fields on selected form are mappable.

  • For each updated transaction, import does not update fields that are not on the form stored with that transaction. If Ignore Read-Only Fields option is enabled, these fields are ignored; if this option is disabled, an error occurs.

  • Form is not saved with updated transactions.

  • Fields on selected form are mappable.

  • Values for form's included fields can be updated on records.

  • If a form has the Store Form with Record option enabled, it is saved with updated records. If a form has this option disabled, it is not saved with updated records, but any stored forms are reverted to null, meaning that no forms are stored with updated records.


Popup Only forms are not supported as custom forms for CSV import. If you attempt an import with a Popup Only form as the custom form, the import fails with an invalid custom form reference error in the CSV response file. For more information about the Popup Only option, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.

For information about working with custom forms, see Custom Forms.

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