Expense Report Sublist Fields

You use the Expenses sublist to add or update individual expenses on an expense report record. This sublist can be selectively updated by either the Line ID or Ref No. field.

Accounting Book Detail

The Accounting Book Detail sublist is available only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled, and only when more than one active accounting book exists. This sublist is selectively updateable based on the Accounting Book key field.


The behavior of the Amount field varies depending on the value you choose for the Category field.

In some cases, you might use the Category field to select an expense category record not configured to use the Rate is Required option. In these cases, the handling of the Amount value is fairly straightforward — you must specify an amount either in the Amount field or in the Foreign Amount field. (Note that Foreign Amount is available only if the Use Multiple Currencies body field is set to Yes.)

If the expense category record you choose does have the Rate is Required option selected, then you generally do not populate the Amount field manually. Instead, the Amount value is calculated by the system using the values that you specify for Quantity (which in this case is a required field) and Rate (also required in this case, although the field may populate automatically with a default value, which you can override).

If you are using a Tax Code, you need to enter the amount without the tax. The tax amount will be calculated automatically, based on the tax rate, and the sum of the two amounts will appear under Gross Amount.


You use the Category field to identify an existing expense category record. Expense category records are listed at Setup > Accounting > Expense Categories. Each category represents a general type of expense (for example, lodging or meals), and a corresponding expense account. A category might also be configured to use the Rate is Required option, which means that any expense that falls into this category is charged according to a flat rate (entered on the expense report) times a quantity.

The Category field is required. For more on expense categories, see Expense Categories.


The Currency field is available only if the Use Multiple Currencies body field is mapped to a value of Yes. In these cases, Currency is required.


The Date field represents the date that the expense was incurred. Make sure that the format of the date in your CSV file matches your NetSuite date format preference, which is viewable at Home > Set Preferences, under the Formatting heading.

Every sublist record must have a date. Therefore, if you choose a data handling option of Add on page 2 of the Import Assistant, and if your CSV file does not include a sublist column named “Date,” the system creates a static mapping that uses today’s date. If you are creating new records and you do map the Date field to a column in your CSV file, make sure that every row has a value in this column. Otherwise, the Import Assistant does not allow you to proceed past the mapping page. Instead, it displays an error reading in part ‘Mandatory Field Missing for field "Date."’

If you choose a data handling option of Update on page 2 of the Import Assistant, you do not have to include a date value for every sublist record, even if you map to a column in your CSV file.

Foreign Amount

The Foreign Amount field is available only if the Use Multiple Currencies body field is mapped to a value of Yes.

The behavior of the Foreign Amount field varies depending on the value you choose for the Category field.

In some cases, you might use the Category field to select an expense category record that does not have the Rate is Required option selected. In these cases, you are required to enter an amount either in the Amount field or in the Foreign Amount field.

If the expense category record you choose does have the Rate is Required option selected, then you cannot populate the Foreign Amount field manually. Instead, the amount value is calculated by the system using the values that you specify for Quantity (which in this case is a required field) and Rate (also required in this case, although the Rate field may populate automatically with a default value, which you can override).

Line ID

Line ID is one of the key fields for the Expenses sublist. Line ID is a read-only field. It is not viewable in the UI. However, you can obtain this value using SOAP web services. Alternatively, you can use the Ref No. value to update your expense line. (Ref No. is viewable in the UI.)


The Quantity field is available only if you choose an expense category for which the Rate is Required option is selected. In this case, the Quantity field is required. The system uses the product of the Quantity value and the Rate value to populate the Amount field.


The Rate field is available only if you the Category field points to an expense category for which the Rate is Required option is selected. In this case, you specify a rate, which is used to determine the cost of the item. Note that the expense category may be configured to insert a default rate, which you can change if needed. If the Rate field is available, a value for it is required.

Ref No.

Ref No. is one of the key fields for the Expenses sublist. You can create a value for Ref No. when you create the expense report record. If you do not create a value, the system creates one.

If you create a value, note that it must be unique, and it must be an integer. If you attempt to populate the Ref No. field with an illegal value (such as an alphabetic value), the Import Assistant does not allow you to proceed past the mapping page.

Tax Amount, Tax Code

The availability of the Tax Amount and Tax Code fields varies depending on the nexus that the Employee is associated with. For example, for an employee associated with a US nexus, these fields are not available. For an employee associated with a UK account, these fields are available. If you submit values for these fields when they are not available, the values you submit are ignored.

Tax Code can be country specific taxes, like the Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) and so on. For more information about Tax Codes, see Tax Codes Overview

For More Information

The SOAP Schema Browser includes definitions for all body fields, sublist fields, search filters, and search joins available to this record. For details, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s expense report reference page.


For information about using the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

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