Updating Project Cost Percent Complete
Execute a project from the Update Project Cost Percent Complete page:
To update a Project Cost Percent Complete through UI:
Go to the Update Project Cost Percent Complete page.
(Administrator) Go to Transactions > Customers > Project Cost Percent Complete.
(Accountant) Go to Financial > Lists > Project Cost Percent Complete.
In the Project Filters subtab, from the Subsidiary list select the required subsidiaries.
Note:User role specific subsidiaries are available and autoselected.
(Optional) Select Project, Customer, and Project Manager.
Note:Projects displayed in the Project list are filtered based on the Subsidiary, Customer, and the Project Manager selected.
Projects with status as Pending or In Progress will be displayed in the Updating Project Cost Percent Complete page if the Enable Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete box is enabled in the Project page for those projects.
Note:Only employees with the Project Manager box checked in Lists > Employees > Employees > Human Resources will be displayed in the Project Manager list.
From the Period list, select the accounting period.
Check the Allow Reexecution box to display only the projects executed in the selected period. It is applicable to all projects listed in the Project Details sublist.
Note:A project is considered for reexecution when:
When the Percent Complete Override sublist under the Financial subtab in the Project record is updated manually with the required accounting period with or without the Cumulative Percent Complete value.
When the project is submitted for execution with some Percent Complete value other than em-dash (—) from the Update Project Cost Percent Complete page.
Note:The Allow Reexecution box is checked by default. If the box is not checked, the projects that have not been executed before for that accounting period are only displayed.
If Allow Reexecution box is checked and there is no entry for an accounting period then either the accounting period has been deleted from the project or the project has never been executed in that accounting period before.
Check the Allow Percent Complete Override box to make the Percent Complete and Override Reason columns in the Project Details sublist editable.
Submit the projects.
Click Submit to submit the selected projects in the Project Details sublist. At least one project must be selected.
Click Submit All to submit all the projects in the Project Details sublist.
The Project Details sublist provides a detailed view of project with the following columns:
Note:The project details can be sorted based on the Project, Subsidiary, and Customer columns.
Last Execution Period
Last Percent Complete
Note:The Last Execution Period and Last Percent Complete columns are populated based on the Accounting Period and Cumulative Percent Complete columns in the Percent Complete Override sublist in the Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete subtab in Lists > Relationship > Projects > Financial.
Cost Budget
Actual Cost
Note:When Custom Criteria is selected in the Budget Basis list or Actual Cost Basis list in the Project Cost Percent Complete Rule page, the Percent Complete Project, Percent Complete Date, and Percent Complete Amount aliases should be present. You should map the aliases to the project type, date type, and amount type dataset columns, respectively. For more information, see Creating and Updating a Project Cost Percent Complete Dataset.
If the mapping is incorrect, you either see an em dash (—) in the Actual Cost and Cost Budget columns or the value calculated based on other datasets selected.
Note:When an inactive rule is selected for a project in the Projects page, you will see an em dash (—) in the Actual Cost and Cost Budget columns.
Percent Complete
Note:The Percent Complete is calculated as:
Percent Complete =Actual Cost till date/ Cost Budget
The percent complete is calculated based on the actual cost and cost budget for that project. The field is editable if the Allow Percent Complete Override box is enabled. The value entered must be:
between 0 to 100
Note:If the Percent Complete column of a submitted project contains an em dash (—), the Percent Complete Override sublist is not updated for that accounting period in the project record. As the Percent Complete Override sublist is not updated in the project record, this project will not be considered for reexecution.
Override Reason
Note:Enter the reason to override the project completion percentage. 99 characters are permissible.
An email notification is sent to the user after the execution is complete with details of projects executed successfully and failed.
For execution through the UI channel, enter a From Email Address in Home > Set Preferences. The author's email is considered as From Email Address, and the receiver's email is the same as the logged in user's email. If no email is entered in the From Email Address field, the author's email is the same as the logged in user's email.
The execution of all projects for an Execution ID will fail in the following scenarios:
The execution mode for a project is through other channels and the accounting period is not available.
A maximum of 20 Users can submit project execution at one time. The remaining executions will be marked as failed. No email notification will be sent for these remaining executions.
To update a Project Cost Percent Complete through other channels:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
Click Edit for the customdeploy_c2c_scheduled_mr_script ID.
Click the Parameters subtab.
From the Employee list, select an employee whose email will be used to send an email notification after the project execution completes.
Note:If no email address is available, no email will be sent.
Click Save.
For more information, refer to Deploying a Script by using the Script Deployment Record.