French Degressive Depreciation
Degressive depreciation is used to compute the French tax depreciation. The French Degressive depreciation method is similar to the declining balance method. This method uses Acquisition/Pro-rata as the depreciation rule. The depreciation amount for the first year is prorated based on the number of months remaining for the fiscal year.
Formula: PB * ((FC_RATE / AL)~(1 / (AL - CEIL(CP) + 1)))
Depreciation Period: Annually
FC_RATE is the Fiscal Coefficient Rate provided by the French Government. The rate should be manually entered and converted to decimal format. A new Degressive depreciation method must be created for each new rate.
In the Tax Method, make sure that you have set the values to the following fields:
Depreciation Rules: Pro-rata
Depreciation Start Date: 1st day of the Month
The annual depreciation is computed as:
PB * MAX(Degressive Rate, Linear Rate)
The following sample shows the expected depreciation values using the formula for degressive depreciation, with a Fiscal Coefficient Rate of 1.75.