NetSuite Connector Saved Search Export

The saved search export records in NetSuite can be configured to any Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). NetSuite Connector uploads the saved search results to the configured SFTP. If a file with the same name is found on the SFTP location, it will be overwritten.

Any limitations of the SFTP, such as connections, permissions, or protocols are controlled by the SFTP. The saved search only connects to the designated SFTP using the protocols, user credentials, address, and directory that you specify and sends the result to the SFTP server. Records generated by the saved search are stored in NetSuite Connector for three days.

NetSuite Connector supports generic saved searches to send SFTP feeds.

Before using this feature, ensure that the target SFTP is supported. Refer to the documentation of the target server or feed and ensure that it supports SFTP uploads. If it does, know the steps for manually uploading a file through SFTP and test the upload.

NetSuite Connector supports the following SFTP authentication modes:

For SFTP credentials authentication, you need to enter the SFTP server, SFTP username, and SFTP password. For SFTP key authentication, you need to enter the SFTP server, private key, and private key passphrase.


This feature requires a NetSuite Connector license.

If you can manually upload a file through SFTP, you can proceed with setting up and enabling saved search exports to SFTP with the following procedures:

  1. Installing the NetSuite Connector Saved Search Export Bundle

  2. Creating an Integration Application for the Saved Search Export

  3. Creating a Saved Search Export

Installing the NetSuite Connector Saved Search Export Bundle

After successfully uploading a file through FTP or SFTP, you can install the NetSuite Connector Saved Search Export bundle.

To install NetSuite Connector Saved Search Export:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. Use the Keywords field to search for NetSuite Connector Saved Search Export or for bundle ID 402066.

  3. Click the name of the bundle and click Install.


    Ensure that the Saved Search Export bundle is only installed on the account that is using NetSuite Connector. An export or feed can only be sent by one account at a time.

Creating an Integration Application for the Saved Search Export

After installing the Saved Search Export bundle, you must create an integration application.

To create an integration application for saved search export:

  1. Go to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter Saved Search Export.

  3. In the State field, select Enabled.

  4. In the Authentication subtab, check the User Credentials box.

  5. Click Save.

    An application ID is created when the integration application is saved. You will need this ID in the next procedure, when you set up authentication credentials in the script.

Creating a Saved Search Export

After creating the integration application and setting up authentication credentials, you can create saved search exports to send files or records by FTP.

Every saved search record you create that is actively used is called a feed.

To create a saved search export:

  1. In global search, enter Page: New Saved Search Export.

  2. Enter the required information about the file you want to save, the search you want to use, and how you want the file to be formatted.

  3. Use the fields on the Schedule subtab to set the schedule of the export.

  4. On the FTP subtab, enter the information of the FTP server where you want to send files.

  5. Click Save.


FTP only updates the file time stamp if it detects that the file is different. If the content of the sent file has not changed, the time stamp is not changed.

Troubleshooting Saved Search Export Errors in NetSuite Connector

To identify and examine common FTP connection errors, perform the following procedures.

Viewing Exception Logs

You can view the errors encountered on the NetSuite account in the exception logs to get more details on the error.

To view exception logs:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Expand the Filters section.

  3. In the Script list, select Saved Search Export Scheduled Script.

  4. In the results section, click View to open the script deployment record.

  5. In the script deployment record, go to the Execution Log tab.

Troubleshooting Saved Search Export Script Deployment

You can view additional diagnostic data added to what happens during script deployment by running the script in debug mode.

To manually troubleshoot script deployment:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Expand the Filters section.

  3. In the Script list, select Saved Search Export Scheduled Script.

  4. Edit and re-run the script.

    1. In the results section, click Edit.

    2. Change the debug level from Error to Debug.

    3. To enable manual export, change the status from Scheduled to Testing.

    4. From the Save dropdown list, click Save and Execute.

  5. Edit and Save and Execute the script as needed.

Troubleshooting FTP Connection Errors

Incorrect directory path is a common cause of the Unable to Connect to the FTP Server Error. If you can connect to the FTP server using a different FTP client with the same credentials, it is possible that the server directory path is incorrect.

Slashes and backslashes are common causes of incorrect directory paths. Best practices on using slashes in directory paths are as follows:

  • If the FTP server is running on Windows, the path should only contain backslashes.

  • Leading or trailing slashes should be removed.

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