Merchandise Hierarchy Workbook

A default Merchandise Hierarchy Workbook has been created for you. This workbook has all your custom Merchandise Hierarchy fields already added to the dataset. It also provides a pivot table that includes Merchandise Hierarchy fields by default. This workbook can be opened directly from the Hierarchy Manager. Depending on the data you want to see, there are two methods to open the workbook. Each method provides a different view of your merchandise hierarchy:

The following image is an example of the Merchandise Hierarchy Workbook displaying a generic overview. It can be used to analyze your merchandise hierarchy sales without any customizing. The default Sales by Hierarchy Node pivot table displays sales sliced by hierarchy nodes. However, it does not include merchandise hierarchy attributes.

Default Sales by Hierarchy Node.

To open the default Merchandise Hierarchy Workbook with a generic view:

  1. Go to Setup > Merchandise Hierarchy > Hierarchy Manager (Administrator).

  2. Click the Open Workbook link at the top of the Hierarchy Manager.

To open the default Merchandise Hierarchy Workbook with a contextual view:

  1. Go to Setup > Merchandise Hierarchy > Hierarchy Manager (Administrator).

  2. Select the node in the hierarchy tree that will provide the context. The workbook will display items assigned to the selected node and any other nodes in the hierarchy path.

  3. Click the Attribute List tab Attribute List Icon at the bottom of the Information Panel.

  4. In the Attributes list, hover over the attribute you want to be displayed in the workbook. Click the Workbook icon Workbook Icon that appears.


If you have the Analytics Administrator permission, you can also open the Merchandise Hierarchy Workbook from the Workbooks list on the Analytics tab.

Viewing the SuiteAnalytics Workbook

SuiteAnalytics Workbook offers many workbook and dataset templates, each with predefined source data, criteria, pivot tables, and charts.

This section contains the information for the SuiteAnalytics Merchandise Hierarchy workbook in NetSuite. For more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see Workbook and Dataset Templates.

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