Process Transactions for Locked Posting Period
You can post transactions or process payments in the locked posting period, only if the Override Period Restrictions permission is enabled in your account. If the Override Period Restrictions permission is disabled, then the locked posting period is restricted for the following payment processes:
Bill Payment Processing or Invoice Payment Processing – If the accounting period is locked, then you cannot select the Locked Accounting Period option in the Posting Period list on EFT Bill Payment Processing and Invoice Payment Processing pages.
If only Accounts Payable (A/P) is locked, then you can select the posting period from Invoice Payment Processing page but not from the EFT Bill Payment Processing page.
If only Accounts Receivable (A/R) is locked, then you can select the posting period from the EFT Bill Processing page, but not from the Invoice Processing page.
Payment Reversals – When you reverse a PFA, the closed periods and locked periods become unavailable in the Posting Period list on the Payment Reversals page. If you reverse DD payments, the A/R locked periods are not available in the Reversal Posting Period list on the Payment Reversals page. If you reverse EFT payments, the A/P locked periods are not available in the Reversal Posting Period list on the Payment Reversals page.
Rollback and Reprocess – An alert message appears when you try to rollback or reprocess a PFA with a locked posting period set in the Posting Period list. If you have an Administrator role for your account, then an alert message appears for a closed period.
Batch Processes
Batch Edit – When you edit a bill payment batch posting period, the closed periods and locked periods are not available in the Posting Period list.
Batch Approval – You cannot post transactions in a locked period, as batches that are in a locked period cannot be approved. Also, when the period is locked you cannot approve batches that are created before the locking period. If you approve a batch which is created before the locked posting period which is locked, then a popup window displays a message asking you to select a valid posting period and try again.
Batch Creation – A batch is always created based on the current date. If the current date is in the locked period, then the Posting Period list is set to blank. When a batch is created, you cannot approve the batch in the locked period and an alert message appears. Also, you cannot submit a batch as the posting period is blank. You must edit a batch and select an unlocked period to approve or submit the batch.
Electronic Bank Payments API – If the accounting period is locked, then locked periods are not available in the Posting Period field in the EFT-Bill Payments page.
Edit PFA -When you edit a PFA, closed periods and locked periods will be unavailable in the Posting Period list.
To enable the Override Period Restrictions permission:
Go to Setup > User/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click Customize next to the role that you require on the Manage Roles page.
On the Roles page, select the Permissions tab.
In the permissions tab, select the Setup subtab.
Select Override Period Restrictions option in the Permission column and click Add.
Click Save.