eBay Connector FAQ

To learn more about eBay connector, review the questions and answers below.

Does NetSuite Connector support eBay’s Volume Discount feature?

Currently NetSuite Connector does not support eBay’s Volume Discount feature.

Can I map the Promote a Listing field on my eBay products in NetSuite Connector?

The Promote a Listing feature uses the eBay Marketing API, which is different from the FixedPriceItem API used by NetSuite Connector. Therefore, you cannot use the feature with NetSuite Connector. You must manage this feature from eBay.

Does NetSuite Connector support creating eBay auction listing?

No, you can only use NetSuite Connector to sync fixed price listings. NetSuite Connector does not sync to existing items that are listed as auction items. You must delete those listings and recreate them as fixed price listings.

What do I need to sync certified refurbished items?

There is not special setup needed in NetSuite Connector. Set the Condition ID to the value for Certified Refurbished (Condition ID =2000) in the NetSuite field mapped to the ConditionID in your eBay product sync.

Why are my images not updating on eBay?

eBay checks the URL or file name coming into the site. If the URL or file name has the same value as in eBay’s system, it assumes that the image has not changed and does not update the image on the eBay site. You can fix the issue using one of the following methods:

  • Change the name of the image. With this method, eBay detects that the image is new and updates it.

  • Set the image field temporarily blank. After the update pushes through, set the image back to the original value. The blank value will overwrite the value on the eBay system. When you switch back, the blank value will be overwritten by your new image.

  • Make sure each image meets eBay’s minimum size requirements. Currently, the requirement is 500 x 500 pixels, but eBay passes an error message to NetSuite Connector providing the minimum size requirement. Check every image that you sync to the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).

How to Prevent an eBay Listing from Ending

Enable the eBay Out of Stock setting for NetSuite Connector to update eBay with zero quantity listing. Enabling this setting also means that your eBay listing will not end when the item goes out of stock. If the item remains out of stock for the entire 30–day billing period for 3 consecutive 30–day billing periods, eBay ends the listing.

For more information about enabling this setting, see Posting 0 Quantity During Product Sync in NetSuite Connector.

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