Refunds and Exchanges in NetSuite Connector
NetSuite Connector can sync a refund from the storefront to NetSuite, or from NetSuite to the storefront.
You cannot sync refunds in both directions for a single account under one connector. For example, if you have one Shopify account, you must choose which way you want to sync your refunds -either to NetSuite or from NetSuite, but you cannot sync both ways. If you have multiple Shopify accounts though, you can choose the direction of the sync for each account. Also, you can set refunds to sync either way for different connectors; for example, to NetSuite for Shopify, or from NetSuite for WooCommerce.
Consider the following:
If the storefront is a marketplace, such as Amazon or eBay, the best practice is to perform the refund in the storefront and have NetSuite Connector sync the refund to NetSuite. The reason for this is that if a customer wants a refund, they can request or perform the refund themselves in the marketplace site.
Note:For eBay, the refund must be requested from the buyer's eBay account before you issue the refund from your eBay seller account. If the user issues a refund on the order without the buyer first requesting it from their account, it will appear as an external transaction in the API and NetSuite Connector will not be able to retrieve the refund.
If the storefront is a cart, such as Shopify or Magento, the best practice is to perform the refund in NetSuite and have NetSuite Connector sync the refund to the storefront. The reason for this is that if a customer wants a refund, they have to message the team that runs the site to request the refund directly.
NetSuite Connector automatically detects whether to sync a credit memo or a cash refund and syncs against the appropriate transaction in NetSuite. Therefore, the following settings in the Refund Settings page should not be checked:
When a Refund is detected in the Storefront, Only Sync a Cash Refund Against a Matching Record in NetSuite. Applies to All Channels/Accounts.
When a Refund is detected in the Storefront, Only Sync a Return Authorization Against a Matching Record in NetSuite. Applies to All Channels/Accounts.
If you encounter incorrect amounts in cash refunds, such as incorrect tax amounts, you need to enable order total validation on cash refunds. You can do so by going to Connector > Configuration > Setup in NetSuite, then checking Enable Order Total Validation on Cash Refund.
If you want to setup refund sync, contact the NetSuite Connector Professional Services team.
Exchanges on Orders in NetSuite Connector
An exchange is essentially a return and a new sale of the returned item. NetSuite Connector supports both transaction types independently, same as NetSuite.
NetSuite Connector provides refund sync. If an exchange generates a refund and the customer is using refund sync, then that refund syncs as expected. However, the return records do not sync.