Managing Amazon Fulfillments Without Tracking Numbers in NetSuite Connector

If an Amazon order in NetSuite is fulfilled but does not contain a tracking number, NetSuite Connector can prevent syncing the fulfillment back to Amazon. To prevent this syncing, enable the Prevent From Posting NetSuite Fulfillments Without a Tracking Number To Amazon/Default setting in NetSuite Connector. You can access this setting by going to Amazon > Settings > Fulfillments in NetSuite Connector.

When this setting is enabled, if NetSuite Connector detects an Amazon order in NetSuite that has been fulfilled but does not contain a tracking number, then the fulfillment will not be synced back to Amazon. The order will remain in an Order Posted, Waiting For Shipment status in NetSuite Connector.

Each time NetSuite Connector checks NetSuite for fulfillments that need to be synced to Amazon, it will check the order again to see if a tracking number has been added. If NetSuite Connector detects the tracking number, it will sync the fulfillment and mark the order as Complete; otherwise, the order will remain in NetSuite Connector until the next check is run where the process is repeated.

You can enable this setting on other marketplaces or carts like Shopify or eBay, and it works in the same way.

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