Creating a Derived Field Plug-in Implementation

Follow this procedure to create a Derived Field Plug-in implementation.

Before you begin this procedure, complete Creating a Derived Field Plug-in Implementation Script.

To create a Derived Field Plug-in implementation:

  1. Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations > New.

  2. In the Upload Plug-in Implementation page, in the Script File field, click the double arrow, and then click List.

  3. Select the script file you uploaded in the File Cabinet.

  4. Click Create Plug-in Implementation.

  5. In the Select 2.0 Plug-in Type page, select Derived Field Plugin Type.

  6. In the Plug-In Implementation page, enter a plug-in Name.

  7. Enter a custom internal ID.

    If this field is left blank, the system generates a script ID.

    Regardless of whether the ID is custom or system-generated, after the plug-in implementation saves, the system automatically adds the prefix customscript to the ID.

    For example, a custom script ID called _derived_field_imp appears as customscript_derived_field_imp after the template saves.

  8. Set the Status of the custom plug-in to Released.

  9. Select a Log Level:

    • Debug – For scripts in testing mode. Selecting this level shows all Debug, Audit, Error, and Emergency information in the script log.

      The default selection is Debug.

    • Audit – For scripts running in production mode. Selecting this level provides a record of events that have occurred during the processing of the script.

      For example, A request was made to an external site.

    • Error – For scripts running in production mode. Selecting this level shows only unexpected script errors in the script log.

    • Emergency – For scripts running in production mode. Selecting this level shows only the most critical errors in the script log.

  10. Enter a plug-in implementation Description.

  11. Select an Owner for the plug-in implementation.

    By default, the Owner is set as the user logged in during the creation of the plug-in implementation.

    After the system creates the plug-in implementation, only the owner of the script can modify it.

  12. To inactivate the current script or plug–in implementation, check the Inactive box.


    When a script is set to Inactive, all associated deployments of the script are also inactive.

    To inactivate a specific deployment rather than all deployments of this script, go to the Script Deployments page.

  13. Click Save.

Next, complete the procedure in Updating the Derived Field Plug-in Script ID.

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