Israel Tax Codes
Tax codes determine how much tax is due for each transaction line item. For NetSuite to calculate correct values on transaction records and tax reports, you must ensure that the tax codes for Israel are set up correctly.
For more information about tax codes, see Tax Code Properties and Creating Tax Codes.
Tax Code Table for Israel
The following table shows the tax properties required to correctly generate the Israel Tax Reports. The tax code names, or letters presented in the table, are suggested names or default system preferences. You can rename the tax codes. Tax reports identify transactions by looking at the tax code properties, not the tax code names.
To define VAT Codes:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes.
Click New Tax Code.
Select the country.
Fill in the required fields. Ensure that the following information is added:
Tax Code
Available on
ILS -VAT on Sales
Sales Transactions
ILSE מע"מ עסקאות פטורות Zero percentage Sales VAT
Sales Transactions
ILY – מע"מ עסקאות יצוא Sales Tax for Export
Sales Transactions
ILM – מע"מ עסקאות חשבונית עצמית Self Invoice Sales Tax
Sales Transactions
ILT – מע"מ תשומות רגילות VAT on Purchase
Purchase Transactions
ILTA – מע"מ תשומות ציוד VAT on Assets
Purchase Transactions
ILC – מע"מ תשומות חשבונית עצמית Self Invoice Purchase Tax
Purchase Transactions
ILK – מע"מ תשומות קופה קטנה VAT on Purchase for Petty Cash
Purchase Transactions
ILR – מע"מ תשומות יבוא רגילות VAT on Purchase for Import
Purchase Transactions
ILRA – מע"מ תשומות יבוא ציוד VAT on Purchase for asset import
Purchase Transactions
IL - מע"מ תשומות לא לדיווח VAT on Purchase not for reporting
Purchase Transactions
IL - מע"מ תשומות מעבר VAT on Purchase clearing
Purchase Transactions
ILT - מע"מ תשומות אחרות 1/4VAT on Purchase others 1/4
Purchase Transactions
ILT - מע"מ תשומות אחרות 2/3 VAT on Purchase others 2/3
Purchase Transactions
ILK - מע"מ תשומות קופה קטנה 1/4VAT on Purchase for Petty Cash 1/4
Purchase Transactions
ILK - מע"מ תשומות קופה קטנה 2/3VAT on Purchase for Petty Cash
Purchase Transactions
ILH – מע"מ תשומות אחרות על פי חוק VAT on Purchase others by Law
Purchase Transactions
Click Save
To update Set Up Taxes:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Set Up Taxes.
Click the Israel subtab.
Check the Enable Tax Lookup on Sales and Purchases box.
Verify that the Default Tax Code list displays UNDEF-IL.
On the Tax subtab, verify that the Preferred Tax Agency is populated for Israel.
Click Save.
To update accounting preferences for Withholding Tax functionality:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
Click the Items/Transactions subtab.
From the Purchase Discount Account list, select 9090 Withholding Tax – Clearing Account IL.
Note:The account must be a P&L account, not a balance sheet account. The balance sheet accounts will not be shown.
Click Save.
To update accounting preferences for Bills functionality:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
From the Allow transaction date outside of posting period list in the General Ledger section, select Allow.
Click Save.
To update Israel Localization Settings:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records and Fields > Record Types.
Click IL Settings in the Edit column.
Click the More button in upper-right corner and select View Records. IL Settings List page displays the IL Settings record.
Click View on the IL Settings record.
On the IL Settings page, verify that:
The Exchange Rate Service Url field is populated with
The Show ILS Amounts In Foreign Currency Invoice Print Layout (For ILS Subs) box is checked.
On the Printing subtab, verify that the IL Localization Printing Type field displays the Advanced PDF Template value.
To view imported exchange rates, go to Lists > Accounting > IL Currency Exchange Rates. To verify that the correct rates are retrieved, see
To check the script for importing exchange rate from the Bank of Israel:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
On the Script Deployments page, in the Script column look for IL Sched Update Exchange Rates and click the corresponding Edit link.
On the Schedule subtab, verify that the script is deployed, the status is scheduled and the schedule is set to daily, repeating every other day.
Note:If currency exchange rates not provided by the Bank of Israel are required, ensure that the Bank of Israel script is scheduled to occur shortly after the other exchange rate provider. This will ensure that the Bank of Israel exchange rates are used.
On the Parameters subtab, check the Update ILS only box.
Click Save.
To update the Israel Localization subsidiary settings:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records and Fields > Record Types
Click IL Subsidiary Settings in the Edit column.
Click the More button in upper-right corner and select View Records.
Click the New IL Subsidiary Settings button.
From the Subsidiary list, select the subsidiary you want to update.
To set up document printing:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records and Fields > Record Types
Click IL Subsidiary Settings in the Edit column.
Click the More button in upper-right corner and select View Records.
Click View on the IL Settings record.
On the Extended Documents Printing subtab, ensure the following boxes are checked:
Wire Transfer Request Printing
WHT Vendor Letter Printing
Proceed with the following steps if you use Sales Orders. In that case, you can also use a commercial or proforma invoice.
Click the Print Options subtab.
If you want to copy text from the PDF transaction, check the Enable PDF Contents Extract box. The layout option is solely for the logo definitions.
If you want to remove or hide the signature line from the transaction layout, check the Hide signature box.
If you use the Delivery note, select a template from the Delivery Note Print Return Form list.
To set up transaction numbering:
Go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
Check the Use Subsidiary Column box for all fields.
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accouting Periods to define or verify accounting periods.
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage Tax Periods to define or verify tax periods.
To define Israeli roles:
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click Customize on the IL Localization record.
In the Name field, enter Custom IL Localization.
In the Subsidiary Restrictions section, go to the Selected Subsidiaries list and select the IL Subsidiary for the given role.
Click Save.
To assign Israel Localization forms to your Israeli roles:
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click Edit on the IL Localization Custom role.
Verify that the Israel Localization forms are checked.
You must use the Custom IL Localization role. It is strictly set up to use all IL Entity and IL Transaction forms (for example, IL Vendor, IL Bill Payment, IL Vendor Bill, etc.) included in the SuiteApp. Not using the suggested IL forms may result in issues.
If the suggested IL Entity or IL Transaction forms don't fit your needs, you can customize them to add your requirements. Do not remove any existing setup from the forms.