Monitoring REST Web Services Performance
REST Web Services Analysis uses the following portlets to help you monitor the performance of REST web services:
Overview Portlet
The Overview portlet provides summary statistics and visual information about REST-based web services that ran in your account.

The portlet shows the following information:
Users – Shows the total number of users of the operations.
Total Requests – Shows the total number of requests of the operations.
Error Rate – Shows the rate by which operations encountered errors relative to the total number of requests that ran.
Errors Pie Chart – Shows the distribution of the errors that the operations encountered.
Top REST Web Services Operations Portlet
The Top REST Web Services Operations portlet displays information about the top five operations in individual tiles.

Each tile shows the following information about the operation:
Execution Time – Shows the amount of time it took to process the operation.
Error Rate – Shows the rate by which the operations encountered errors relative to the total number of requests that ran.
Total Requests Icon – Shows the total number of requests for the operation.
Execution Time Chart – Shows a smaller version of the execution times for the operation’s requests over time.
To view detailed and visual information about the operation, click the tile.
The following charts appear:
Execution Time – Shows the execution times for the operation’s requests over time.
Requests – Shows the number of requests that the operation ran over time.
Error Rate – Shows the error rate that the operation’s requests encountered over time.
Click a data point in any of the charts to open the related Web Services Operation Logs table. For more information about the table, see Viewing REST Web Services Logs.