Generating the Same-Store Sales Report

Before generating the Same-Store Sales Report, ensure that you have completed the following:

After completing the requirements, follow these steps to generate the Same-Store Sales Report.

To generate the Same-Store Sales Report:

  1. Go to Reports > Sales > Same-Store Sales.

  2. On the Same-Store Sales page, in the Store Options field, select any of the following:

    • Comparable Stores

    • Noncomparable Stores

    • Both

  3. In the Reporting Period field, select any of the following:

    • Day

    • Week

    • Period

    • Quarter

    • Year

    • Custom

    For more information, see Reporting Period and This Year (TY) and Last Year (LY) Date Fields.

  4. Specify a date in any of the applicable or available date fields:

    • Start Date – This Year (TY) – this is only available if Custom reporting period is selected.

    • End Date – This Year (TY) – this available for all reporting periods.

    • Start Date – Last Year (LY) – this is only available if Custom reporting period is selected.

    • End Date – Last Year (LY) – this is only available if Custom reporting period is selected.

    For more information, see Reporting Period and This Year (TY) and Last Year (LY) Date Fields.

  5. In the Metrics field, select any of the following:

    • Net Sales Amount

    • Net Sales Quantity

    • Number of Sales

    • Gross Margin

    • Gross Margin %

    You can select multiple metrics by pressing down Ctrl and clicking the metrics. For more information, see Metrics.

  6. Click Search.

    The Same-Store Sales Report is generated on the same page. Comparable stores, noncomparable stores, or both, depending on the selected Store Option, are grouped and listed in the first column. Stores are listed in alphabetical order. Sales data of the stores are displayed under corresponding columns of the metrics you selected. Except for % Gross Margin, all the metrics display data in This Year (TY), Last Year (LY), and % Difference columns, for easy comparison. % Gross Margin only has TY and LY columns.

    If Both is selected for Store Option, the Subtotal is also displayed for comparable and noncomparable stores. Total is also displayed for both comparable and noncomparable stores. The report displays the totals for TY and LY at the bottom. Total % is calculated as per formula of each metric.

  7. (Optional) If you want to download a CSV file of the report, click the document icon below the Report section. If you want to download a PDF file of the report, click the PDF icon. Or, click the Print icon to print the report.


    Before downloading the CSV or PDF, ensure that you update or refresh the data in the report.

  8. (Optional) If you want to clear all the fields and parameters of the report, click Reset.

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