NetSuite as OIDC Provider and the Login Audit Trail

This section covers how to use the Login Audit Trail to track integrations and users, and provides details about error messages you may encounter.

For more information about error messages, see the following sections:

For information about RESTlets and REST web services, see RESTlets and REST Web Services Error Messages in the Login Audit Trail.

Tracking NetSuite as OIDC Provider Integrations and Users

You can use the Login Audit Trail to track NetSuite as OIDC Provider integrations and users.

To track integrations and users:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > View Login Audit Trail.

  2. Check the Use Advanced Search box.

  3. Click the Results subtab.

  4. Add the following fields: Detail and Token-based Application Name.

  5. Click Submit.

    The Detail column displays error messages for any NetSuite as OIDC Provider logins with a status of Failure.

For more information about defining Login Audit Trail searches, see Login Audit Trail Overview.

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