Customizing China Cash Flow Item
This feature requires the China Localization SuiteApp
The following describes the features and steps about customizing or creating a new China Cash Flow Item.
The Cash Flow Item field is composed of 22 government standardized Cash Flow Item classification and can have up to second-level child classification. For more information about the Cash Flow Items, see Override China Cash Flow Item.
NetSuite China Localization provides you the ability to customize your Cash Flow Items depending on your business requirements, and allows you to create and customize top-level cash flow item classification and sub-classifiers up to second-level classification. These custom classification values can be included in your China Cash Flow Statement Report. For more information about this report, see Generate the China Cash Flow Statement Report.
Setting Up China Cash Flow Item
The following describes the steps in creating a new Cash Flow item.
To Setup New Cash Flow Item:
Go to Setup > Company > China Cash Flow Item > New.
In the Name field, enter a name.
In the Category dropdown, select a category:
If you have a parent category set, ensure that this reflects the same category as the one in the parent.
If there is an Inactive box, leave the Inactive box clear.
(Optional) In the Parent dropdown, select a parent Cash Flow Item classifier. Leave this blank if you want to create a top-level classifier.
In the Inflow/Outflow dropdown, select either In or Out. Ensure that this setting is the same as the setting in the assigned parent Cash Flow Item.
Click Save.
When viewing the China Cash Flow Item list page, you might be able to see check boxes in the Inactive column. Do not check or select these are marking any of the provided China Cash Flow item categories as inactive will cause your cash flow statement report to display or capture incorrect values.
Sample Cash Flow Item Creation Page
The following describes the page where you can create new China Cash Flow Item classification:

Editing a Cash Flow Item
In NetSuite you can customize the existing Cash Flow Item categories according to your business need.
The following describes the steps in editing an existing Cash Flow Item:
To Edit an Existing Cash Flow Item:
Do not set a China Cash Flow Item category as inactive at any time when using this feature as this will cause your reports to display incorrect values. Make sure that when you’re editing your Cash Flow Item category you are editing or creating a new one.
Go to Setup > Company > China Cash Flow Item.
Find a Cash Flow Item.
Click Edit.
In the Name field, change the name.
Important:Change only the Name when editing any of the 22 provided top-level China Cash Flow Item classifiers. Changing any setting other than the Name for these built in top-level classifiers will cause your China Cash Flow Statement to report incorrect or incomplete values.
In the Category dropdown, ensure that this value is the same as the category set in its parent Cash Flow Item classifier.
If there is an Inactive box, leave the Inactive box clear. If this was checked, ensure that you clear this. Marking a Cash Flow Item classifier as inactive will cause your cash flow statement report to display incorrect values.
(Optional) In the Parent dropdown, select a parent Cash Flow Item classifier. You can select a child Cash Flow Item up to one child classifier level. Do not set a parent for any of the 22 provided top-level China Cash Flow Item categories.
In the Inflow/Outflow dropdown, ensure that the value is the same as the Inflow/Outflow value of the cash flow item classifier set for the parent classifier.
Click Save.