Viewing Your Report as a Pie Chart, Bar Graph or Line Graph
The graph output type is no longer the preferred view option for reports and saved searches. To see your data in a graph, you can use the SuiteAnalytics Workbook chart capabilities instead. For more information about how to use charts in SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see Workbook Charts.
You can view your report as a chart or graph for an alternate visual perspective. You can also choose the amount of data to show on your graph allowing you to view only the top values for that report.
To view your report as a pie chart or bar graph, click the Graph button in the footer of the report. A graph of your report is automatically generated using the default graph settings. In the Graphing window, you can choose to view your report as a bar graph or pie chart, select amounts to compare or select the number of top values you want to see.
You cannot graph a Detail report.