Commerce Website Management and Performance

This release note was updated September 16, 2024.

NetSuite 2024.2 includes the following enhancements to site performance features for your Commerce website:

User Agent Detection Optimization

First-load performance of SuiteCommerce web stores has been improved following the introduction of user agent detection to the SEO page generator.

Previously, when any user—whether shopper or web crawler—visited your SuiteCommerce web store and requested an uncached web page, the SEO page generator would prerender the page first.

Now, with user agent detection, the SEO page generator only prerenders pages for web crawlers. As shoppers now skip the prerendering process, most shoppers will benefit from improved performance that will reduce time to first byte (TTFB) and first contentful paint (FCP) times, which will benefit their user experience and provide an SEO boost.

User agent detection optimization is now available by default in all accounts and will be activated progressively on all SuiteCommerce websites over the next few weeks, beginning on September 16, 2024. No action is required from you.

For more information about the SEO page generator, see SEO Page Generator.

General Notices