Entering Purchase Orders for Projects and Project Tasks
Using this SuiteApp, you can enter purchase orders using a custom form that is specific for projects and project tasks. The custom form also lets you transact only with approved project vendors.
Before entering purchase orders for projects or project tasks, make sure the preference to allow purchase orders for projects and project tasks is enabled. For more information, see Allowing Purchase Orders for a Project or Project Task.
To enter purchase orders for projects and project tasks:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.
Click View next to the project where you want to create a purchase order or the project that has the project task where you want to create a purchase order.
If you are entering a purchase order for a project task, select the project task name from the Project Tasks/Milestones table on the Schedule subtab.
On the project record or project task record, click the Procurement subtab.
On the Purchase Orders subtab, click Create Purchase Order.
When you use the Create Purchase Order button, the purchase orders and vendor bills you create are automatically linked to the project or project task.
Note:The Create Purchase Order button is only available when the preference to allow purchase orders for the project or project task is enabled. For more information, see Allowing Purchase Orders for a Project or Project Task.
On the purchase order form, perform the following steps:
In the Custom Form field, select Custom Purchase Order -Projects.
Note:This custom form is the default form for consultant roles that use this SuiteApp. For other roles, you must manually select this form or an administrator must set this custom form as the default form for the role. For information on setting a default form for a role, see Defining Preferred Forms.
In the Project Vendor field, select a project vendor.
Only vendors tagged as project vendors in the vendor record are included in the list. For more information, see Tagging a Vendor as a Project Vendor.
The project vendor you select also becomes the entry in the Vendor field.
In the Receive By field, select a date when the items in the purchase order are needed.
Note:You must enter a date that is not beyond the project or project task end date.
In the Date field, select a posting date for the purchase order.
In the Memo field, enter a memo to describe the purchase order.
Add items or expenses in the purchase order. For more information on adding items and expenses, see Entering a Purchase Order.
Note:You must associate the purchase order to the project or project task.
To associate the purchase order to a project, select the project name in the Customer column when adding items or expenses.
To associate the purchase order to a project task, select the task name in the Project Task column when adding items or expenses.
For more information, see Associating Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills to a Project or Project Task.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Purchase to Project
- Prerequisites for Purchase to Project
- Installing the Purchase to Project SuiteApp
- Setting Up the Purchase to Project SuiteApp
- Tagging a Vendor as a Project Vendor
- Associating Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills to a Project or Project Task
- Viewing Project Procurement Transactions
- Best Practices in Using the Purchase to Project SuiteApp
- Limitations in Using the Purchase to Project SuiteApp