Viewing the Page Time Details Timeline
You can view the execution time of scripts and plug-ins on Page Time Details. For more information about the script and plug-in types that can appear on the timeline, see Script and Plug-in Types Supported in APM.
Page Time Details shows scripts and plug-ins that ran for a significant amount of time and are useful in diagnosing issues. The page is not intended to trace all the scripts and plug-ins that the account processed.
On the Page Time Details page, you can view a header that shows the following information about the page:
Operation ID
Date and Time
Email Address
The header also contains a Profiler Details link that will take you to Profiler Details. For more information, read Profiling Operations Performance.
Page Time Details includes a timeline that shows how much time is spent to run a particular record page. These time segments are arranged chronologically.
To view the execution time, place your cursor over a section of data on the timeline. In the following example, the largest segment of time was used to run the Client : Init function for the Calculate Discount script.
On the page details timeline, gaps between server components are part of the overall NetSuite server time. For example, on the screenshot, a gap exists between Workflow Sales Order Approval and Workflow Line Item Reorder. This signifies NetSuite server time which could also be associated with your NetSuite customizations.

You can track the timing of the following client components on the timeline:
Client : Header – The amount of time to render the head element of the page. Most static assets, including CSS and JavaScript, are loaded during this time.
Network delays can contribute to lengthy client header times. To know whether assets are loading slowly, review your firewall and network connection settings. You can also improve speed by adjusting browser cache settings.
Client : Render – The amount of time for the browser to render the response after the head element finished (the time taken between the Client : Header and Client : Page Init timings).
An older browser or insufficient RAM and CPU capability can contribute to longer rendering time.
Client : Init – The amount of time used by client scripts to run pageInit functions. This function contains user-defined client scripts triggered by the pageInit client event type and standard pageInit operations. If the pageInit function triggers other client scripts as part of pageInit, the timing is recorded.
PageInit functions that are ran by client scripts are subsets of Client : Init. They are listed and indented under the Client : Init line on the Page Time Details timeline.
To improve Client : Init time, investigate client script implementations for the page. A variety of factors affect client script pageInit timing, such as third party calls from client scripts or logic that triggers other client script validations. An outdated browser and JavaScript engine will also negatively affect performance.