Lot Assignments Script
For locations marked as commit and assign, the SuiteApp enables administrators to deploy a script that automatically assigns lots to sales order line items at a scheduled time. The script name is FEFO_MR_Lot_Allocation. The administrator can set a schedule for the script to automatically assign lots to sales order line items. By default, the script is scheduled to run every 24 hours.
At each run, the script performs the following operations:
For locations set commit and assign mode, the script reads all sales order lines with lot items having backordered quantity greater than zero on approved sales orders.
Processes the sales order line items and makes lot allocations using the following formula:
Expected Ship Date – Commit Group Days <= Current Date
Backordered Quantity > 0
Ship Date +Customer Required Shelf Life Days <=Lot Expiry Date
If customer required shelf life days is not available, then the SuiteApp considers the required shelf life days set for the item.
At the scheduled run, the script considers the following additional criteria:
The script reads lot numbered line items with backordered quantity greater than 0 on approved sales orders.
The script considers lot numbered line items with ship dates within the commit days from the current date.
The script considers only inventory on hand. It does not consider planned supply or future inventory.
For lot assignment, if the Expiry Date Required box is checked for the item, then the script assigns lots following First Expiry First Out (FEFO), after considering required shelf life days. If the Expiry Date Required box is not checked for the item, then the script assigns lots following First In First Out (FIFO).
For lot assignment, the script considers minimum fulfillment percentage. However, if the selected allocation strategy has Allocation Quantities set to Complete Quantity, the script considers minimum fulfillment percentage as 100%.
The sequence of allocation is done according to the sort order defined in the Supply Allocation Setup page.
The scripts allocates only unfulfilled sales orders.
The script does not allocate more than the order quantity.
If picked quantity is greater than the sum of committed and fulfilled quantity, the lot allocation script does not consider that line item for lot allocation.
Updates to Sales Orders on Lot Assignment
After the lot assignment script makes assignments, you see the following updates in the sales orders:
Commitments display in the Committed column in the Items sublist of the sales order.
Lot assignment quantity displays in the Allocated column of the sales order lines items. If you click the icon in the Inventory Detail column, you see the assigned lot numbers in the Inventory Detail window.
Related Topics
- Commit and Assign Lots
- Creating FEFO Shelf Life Groups
- Creating Commit Groups
- Assigning Commit Groups and FEFO Shelf Life Groups to Items
- Creating FEFO Customer Shelf Life Groups
- Setting Minimum Fulfillment Percentage for a Customer
- Adding Lot Assignments Manually
- Removing Lot Assignments
- Impact of Modifying Sales Orders on FEFO Lot Assignments
- Guidelines for Importing Sales Orders Using CSV Files