Specifying Persons Who Processed Philippines Documents

You can specify the users or persons who processed a Philippines document in fields on the Philippines Invoicing subtab of Philippines documents. You can enter the names of the users who prepared, reviewed, and approved the transaction, as well as the person who received a printout of the transaction submitted to the tax agency or customer. The names entered in the fields will be indicated in the footer of the printouts of Philippines documents. The fields are not required, and you can leave them blank.

To specify persons who processed a Philippines Document:

  1. Edit a Philippines document.

  2. On the Philippines Invoicing subtab, select or enter a name in the following fields:


    When using custom forms, you might encounter occurrences of the Philippines Invoicing subtab with the label “Philippine Invoicing”. Even so, the steps here are still applicable.

    To change the label of this subtab, refer to Configuring Subtabs for Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.

    • Preparer – Select user or employee who created or prepared the Philippines document. The default is the logged in user.

    • Reviewer – Select the user or employee who reviewed the Philippines document.

    • Approver – Select the user or employee who approved the Philippines document.

    • Recipient – Enter the name of the person from the tax agency or customer who received a printout of the transaction. You can leave this blank if the transaction was neither submitted nor received.

  3. Click Save.

The names entered in the fields will be indicated in the footer of the printed Philippines document.

General Notices