Translations Tab User Interface

In Overview Mode on your site, you can see the Translations tab. On this tab you can view all content for translations. This includes hidden content, published content, and unpublished content. Content is grouped together by the URL. Under the language column, you are also alerted if you have missing translations for any configured languages.


If there are no translations for content in the current domain, you are unable to view that content in the default language in Preview Mode. The content is only available in Edit Mode. Edit the content in Edit Mode and enable the translation for that domain to view the content in Preview Mode.

Site Management Tools Translations Tab




Domain Switcher — Lets you switch among all configured domains in your account without logging out of Site Management Tools (SMT). The domain switcher only displays domains configured to use SMT v3.


Filter — Use filters to review translated content. This menu gives you four different options to filter content:

  • Path — Filter content by location or URL.

  • Languages — Filter content by language.

  • Content Type — Filter content by type, so you can look at HTML, image, text, page, or other types of content.

  • Translation Status — Filter content by translation status, so you can look at displayed content, hidden content, or missing content.


Apply Filter — Applies the tag or filtering options you have chosen and displays only those.

Reset — Click to reset the applied filters and return to the main display.


Export All — Click to export all SMT supported content for translation.

Import — Click to import translated content back into SMT.


Name — The name of the content.


Languages — Displays all configured languages and any missing translations.


Published — A check mark below published indicates which translations for this content are published.


Unpublished — A check mark below unpublished indicates which translations for this content are unpublished.


Last Edited — Lets you know the last time this content was edited.


Page Selector — Lets you select the next page to continue to view your content, if you have more than 50 pieces of content.


Ellipsis — Click to preview or edit the content.


Hidden Translations — Lets you know when translations are hidden on your site.


Unpublished Content — The blue dot indicates that some or all of the content is unpublished.

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