Managing the Expense Report Attachments Tool

Open the Expense Report Attachments Migration Tool using the Expense Report Attachments – Migration Tool link on the Enable Features page. The Expense Report Attachments Migration tool opens in a new window and lists any files ready for migration. For more information, see Enabling and Configuring the Expense Report Attachments Migration Tool.

Use the migration tool to manage the migration of existing employee expense files to dedicated employee expense folders. You should only have to run this migration one time. However, the migration tool may require multiple runs if, for example, there are too many files to migrate in a single run, or if unexpected issues are encountered. For more information, see Scheduling an Expense Report Attachments Tool Migration. After the migration is completed, employee expense files will automatically be saved to the appropriate employee expense folders.

Use the migration tool to:

For more information about using the migration tool, refer to the following topics:

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General Notices