Creating Reallocate Recommendations

NetSuite enables you to create reallocation recommendations to address your supply shortages. By reviewing all sources of supply and order allocations, you can ensure that high priority sales orders are shipped complete and on time. These recommendations are designed to have minimal effect on other orders.

Creating Reallocation Recommendations.

To create a reallocation recommendation:

  1. Go to Transactions > Order Management > Order Allocation Alerts.

    The Order Allocation Alerts page displays the late orders.

  2. Review the information in the following Order Allocation Alerts results columns to understand which orders most urgently need to be filled:

    • Earliest Alert Supply Required by Date

    • Order Date

    • Order Priority

    • Customer

  3. After deciding which order needs to receive allocations, click the Order column number link.

    The Sales Order, Items subtab displays how late the order is and how much inventory needs to be reallocated to fulfill this order.

  4. In the exception list or sales order, review each order line’s allocation details.

  5. To take allocations from other orders to fulfill this order, in the Reallocate Order Item column, click Reallocate.

  6. Review the Reallocate Order Item window order details to understand what to reallocate do to satisfy the order requirements:

    • Supply Required by Date – how late is this order.

    • Quantity – how many items are assigned to this order.

    • Expected Ship Date – date is based on existing allocations.

    • Priority –orders are ranked by importance.

    • Customer – helps decide order of importance.

    • Location

    • Expected Ship Date – based on the system generated recommendation.

  7. In the Select Orders for Reallocation subtab, review the possible source orders where you can take resources from.

    The order items must be at the same location:

    1. Review the Order Priority and Commitment Confirmed columns to locate possible reallocation sources.

    2. Check the box beside the order, or orders, you want to reallocate.

      You may need to select more than one order if the source orders do not have enough inventory to fulfill the target order.

      To customize the Select Orders for Reallocation subtab list, click Customize View.

  8. Click Generate Recommendation.

    When the recommendation is available, NetSuite enables the Accept Recommendation and Reallocate button.

  9. Click the Affected Orders subtab to display a list of system generated recommendations where resources were taken from.

    • The Recommendation of Success and Recommendation Summary sections display whether the Quantity and Expected Ship Dates will be met due to this reallocation.

    • The target order is identified.

    • If the Impact in Days column displays a negative number, the expected delivery date has moved forward due to the reallocation.

    • If source orders display positive numbers in the Impact in Days columns, the source orders will be shipped later than the reallocation.

    • To customize the Affected Orders subtab list, click Customize View.

    You may need to select a wider range of orders to meet the target order needs.

    To reallocate, repeat steps 5 to 9.

  10. To assess the affects of this reallocation, click the Allocated Supply subtab.

    This subtab shows the supplies available to the target and source orders after reallocation.

    • The Supply Type column displays where the inventory came from. For example, purchase order or inventory.

    • The Quantity Allocated column shows the remaining inventory allocated to that sales order.

    • To customize the Allocated Orders subtab list, click Customize View.

      For example, you can add a Demand Order # column to show that the target sales order is receiving the supplies it needs. It also displays the new allocation of orders that lost inventory due to the reallocation.

  11. If this order satisfies the target order needs without adversely harming the source orders, click Accept Recommendations and Reallocate.

    The window closes and the customer is returned to the sales order.

    On the sales order the reallocated order line is expected to be shipped on time and the Reallocate link is no longer visible.

Lot and Serial Numbered Items on Reallocate Order Item

Enabling Serialized Inventory or Lot Tracking makes entering Lot Numbers on Lot or Serial numbers on Serial Numbered Items optional. Order line quantity on Purchase, Work, Transfer, or Sales Orders can be greater than the sum of all Inventory Details Serial or Lot numbers.

Reallocate Order Item does not remove existing serial or lot numbered inventory commitments from the order line if it has serial or lot numbers. For the candidate order, existing order commitments cannot be reallocate quantities that are serial or lot numbered on the order line.

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