American Express Integration for Expense Reporting
With the AMEX Corporate Card Integration SuiteApp, you can automatically import expenses charged by employees to their corporate American Express (AMEX) cards.
You can set up NetSuite to import expenses on a daily basis and map each expense to your existing expense categories. Employees receive an email notification when new expenses are available. A reminder also appears in the Reminder portlet on the NetSuite Home page.
Employees can click the link in the notification or reminder to see a list of their imported expenses. You can add imported expenses to a new expense report directly from the imported expenses list. You can also add imported expenses from an expense report transaction by clicking Imported Expenses and selecting the expenses you want to add.
For information about importing AMEX transactions and adding them to expense reports, watch the following help video:
American Express only supports integration with corporate accounts. Business accounts are not included by American Express for integration with NetSuite.
The following are required to set up AMEX integration with NetSuite:
Expense Reporting
AMEX Corporate Card Integration SuiteApp
Credentials for the AMEX gateway
A role with Full access to the Financial Institution Records permission
American Express is currently the only supported credit card company for automatic integration. You can set up manual integrations by creating your own plugins. For more information, see Financial Institution Records.
If you manually configure integration with a credit card other than American Express, you cannot import expenses from different cards to a single expense report. For example, you cannot include expenses charged to both a corporate American Express and Visa on the same expense report.
Before setting up AMEX integration with NetSuite, you must download and install the AMEX Corporate Card Integration SuiteApp from the NetSuite Marketplace. For more information, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.
The AMEX Corporate Card SuiteApp creates a financial institution record for American Express. It creates a format profile record, and installs two plug-ins to your account that are used to configure the connection to the AMEX server.
If you want, you can uninstall the AMEX Corporate Card Integration SuiteApp even if corporate card integration is already set up. If you uninstall the SuiteApp, NetSuite does the following:
Removes the AMEX Connectivity Plug-in and AMEX Parser Plug-in from the format profile AMEX Profile. The Connectivity Method field in the format profile is changed to Manual Import, and the Transaction Parser field is cleared.
Inactivates the format profile AMEX Profile. To reactivate the format profile, you need to select a new parser plug-in. See Modifying Format Profiles. If you no longer need a format profile, you should delete it. See Deleting a Format Profile.
You must contact American Express to obtain your credentials for the AMEX gateway. While filling the AMEX application for the integration service, select the following: Request Type: GL1025, Setup Type: Pull Type, Protocols: SFTP/SSH. NetSuite uses the credentials to access all the corporate card transactions from your employees. The transactions are downloaded and imported in a single file. Without the credentials, you cannot complete configuration of AMEX integration.
You must also decide, with American Express, how your transactions are matched with employees. If they are matched by Employee ID, you must supply all NetSuite employee IDs to American Express before beginning automatic imports. This lets you avoid manually matching employee expense transactions. For more information, see Linking Employee Accounts.