Mapping Tax Codes to the Norway Standard Tax Codes Category Using CSV Import
This content is relevant for accounts without SuiteTax only.
To map tax codes to the Norway Income Statement Category Using via CSV import, perform the following steps:
To map your tax codes to the Norway Standard Tax Codes Category:
Customize and download the tax code list for your Norway subsidiary.
Go to Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes.
Select Norway in the country filter.
Click Customize View.
On the Results subtab, set the results to only include Internal ID, Name, Description and Rate columns.
Click Preview.
On the Results page, click the icon for Export -CSV.
Save the CSV file with the tax code list results.
Download the template for Norway Standard Tax Code mapping category from the NetSuite File Cabinet.
Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
Go to SuiteBundles > Bundle 47492 > Tax Audit Files CSV Templates.
Click Norway Standard Tax Codes Mapping Template.csv to download the file.
Open the template and ensure that special characters are displayed correctly. If they are not displaying properly, perform the following steps to set the proper character encoding for the special characters:
Open a new Excel file.
Go to Data.
Click Get Data > From File > From Text/CSV.
Choose the income statement template that you have downloaded from the system (Norway Standard Tax Codes Mapping Template.csv)
Under File Origin, select 65001: Unicode (UTF-8).
Click Load.
Save the file in CSV format.
Open the standard tax code mapping template saved from the previous step. The template contains six columns: Mapping Category, Standard Tax Codes Value, Standard Tax Codes ID, Standard Tax Codes Description, Standard Tax Codes Key and Subsidiary
Open the Norway tax codes list saved from Step 1, copy all the values of Internal ID, Name, Description and Rate columns.
Paste the copied Internal ID, Name, Description and Rate values of the tax code list from the saved tax code list to the standard tax code mapping template. The columns should be pasted after the Subsidiary column.
To map your subsidiary’s tax codes to Norway standard tax codes, copy your tax code’s internal ID and paste it to the Standard Tax Codes Key column of the applicable Norway standard tax code.
Provide the correct full subsidiary name with hierarchy (for example: Parent Company: Subsidiary) applicable for the standard tax code mapping.
Once you are done with the mapping, delete the Standard Tax Codes ID, Standard Tax Codes Description, Internal ID, Name, Description, and Rate columns.
Save the CSV file with the final values of Mapping Category, Standard Tax Codes Value, Standard Tax Codes Key and Subsidiary columns.
Import the saved CSV file from the previous step to NetSuite. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records. Select the following options for CSV import:
Import Type =Custom Records
Record Type = NO-SAFT: Standard Tax Codes Mapping
Character Encoding =Unicode (UTF-8)
CSV Column Delimiter =Comma
Note:On the Import Options screen, choose the Add or Update radio button. Expand the Advanced Options link and check the Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows box.
For more information about importing CSV files, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
Verify if the record submitted using CSV import is mapped correctly.
Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Audit Files Field Mapping.
Select NO-SAFT: Standard Tax Codes in the Category field.
In the Subsidiary field, select your Norway subsidiary.